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W.A. and A.C. Churchman Men of the Moment - Small ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1928 W.A. and A.C. Churchman Men of the Moment - Small
1 Lord Burghley
2 J.E. London
3 D.G.A. Lowe
4 P. Nurmi
5 W. Ritola
6 G.C. Weightman Smith
7 J.F. Devlin
8 Sir George A. Thomas
9 Joe Davis
10 Melbourne Inman
11 Tom Newman
12 Willie Smith
13 Jack Dempsey
14 Tom Heeney
15 Mr. Harry Preston
16 Gene Tunney
17 A.P.F. Chapman
18 P.G.H. Fender
19 W.R. Hammond
20 J.B. Hobbs
21 D.R. Jardine
22 A. Sandham
23 H. Sutcliffe
24 Archie Compston
25 George Duncan
26 Walter Hagen
27 R.T. Bobby Jones
28 Jose Jurado
29 Abe Mitchell
30 T.P. Perkins
31 Gene Sarazen
32 C.J.H. Tolley
33 Roger Wethered
34 T.W. Mansergh
35 H.W. Austin
36 J. Borotra
37 H. Cochet
38 E. Higgs
39 Karel Kozeluh
40 Rene Lacoste
41 G.L. Patterson
42 P.D.B. Spence
43 W.T. Tilden
44 H.A. Barry
45 R. Cove-Smith
46 Comm. W.J.A. Davies
47 D. Drysdale
48 G.V. Stephenson
49 W.W. Wakefield
50 A.T. Young

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