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Topps Magic Photo Wrestling Champions ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1948 Topps Magic Photo Wrestling Champions
1D Frank Gotch
2D Hackenschmidt
3D Stanuslaus Zbyszko
4D Jim Browning
5D Jim Londos
6D Strangler Lewis
7D George Becker
8D Ernie Dusek
9D Rudy Dusek
10D Dean Detton
11D Masked Marvel
12D Maurice Tillet
13D Olaf Swenson
14D Tony Galento
15D Frank Sexton
16D George Calza
17D Arm Lock
18D Flying Dropkick
19D Primo Carnera
20D Gino Garabaldi
21D Lord Jan Blears
22D Joe Savoldi
23D Dick Shikat
24D Wadleslaw
25D Steinke

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