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Philadelphia 27 Scrappers Boxing (E79) ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1910 Philadelphia 27 Scrappers Boxing (E79)
1 Abe Attell
2 Tommy Burns
3 Young Corbett
4 Bob Fitzsimmons
5 Gans/Nelson
6 Marvin Hart
7 Joe Jeanette
8 James Jeffries
9 Jack Johnson
10 Johnson/Burns
11 Johnson/Cole
12 Kaufman/Sullivan
13 Stanley Ketchell
14 Sam Langford
15 Marto/Nelson
16 O'Brien/Fighting Partner
17 Rawlins Delivering Right Hand Swing
18 Sharkey Receiving Right To Body
19 Mike Twin Sullivan
20 Fist/Right Way
21 Fist/Wrong Way

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