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Ogdens Limited Boxers ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1915 Ogdens Limited Boxers
1 Jim Driscoll
2 Billy Wells
3 Kid Lewis
4 Pat O'Keefe
5 Hughie Mehegan
6 Dick Smith
7 Sid Smith
8 Albert Laurie
9 Johnny Basham
10 Georges Carpentier
11 Freddie Welsh
12 Johnnie Summers
13 Tom McCormick
14 Eddie McGoorty
15 Joe Jeanette
16 Charlie White
17 Jeff Smith
18 Pat Bradley
19 Arthur Pelkey
20 Jim Sullivan
21 Alf Morey
22 Digger Stanley
23 Sam Langford
24 Matt Wells
25 Jess Willard
26 Young Fox
27 Jimmy Clabby
28 Sapper O'Neill
29 Mike Glover
30 Bandsman Blake
31 Frank Moran
32 Packey McFarland
33 Harry Stone
34 Billy Papke
35 Frank Loughrey
36 Willie Ritchie
37 Jerry Delaney
38 Jimmy Wilde
39 Jim Berry
40 Harry Mansfield
41 Lieut McEnroy
42 Arthur Everden
43 Curley Walker
44 Dai Roberts
45 Gus Platts
46 Young Nipper
47 Tancy Lee
48 Harry Thomas
49 Bandsman Rice
50 Les O'Donnell

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