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Cohen Weenan and Co. Famous Boxers Green Back ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1912 Cohen Weenan and Co. Famous Boxers Green Back
1 Harry Lewis
2 Fred Storbeck
3 Georges Carpentier
4 Jim Driscoll
5 Jack Johnson
6 Young Joseph
7 Gunner James Moir
8 Tommy Burns
9 P.O. Curran
10 Billy Papke
11 Johnny Summers
12 Sam Langford
13 Georges Carpentier
14 Joe Jeanette
15 Pat O'Keefe
16 Packey Mahoney
17 Gunboat Smith
18 Jack Johnson
19 Charles Ledoux
20 Tom McCormick
21 Freddy Welsh
22 Bombardier Wells
23 Hughie Mehegan
24 Digger Stanley
25 Jim Johnson

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