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A. Boguslavsky Ltd. Sports Records ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1925 A. Boguslavsky Ltd. Sports Records
1 Lawn Tennis
2 Putting The Weight
3 Throwing The Hammer
4 Ice Skating
5 Sprint Running
6 Pole Jump
7 The One Mile British Amateur Running Record
8 Highest Score In Cricket
9 Race Walking
10 The Fastest Swimmer
11 Golf/The Longest Drive
12 High Jump
13 Motor Racing
14 High-Speed Aeroplane
15 Motor Cycling
16 Gliding
17 The Atlantic Cup
18 Highest Horse Jump
19 Fastest Train
20 The Fastest Steamer
21 The Derby
22 Waterloo Cup
23 The Oxford And Cambridge Boat Race
24 Grand National
25 Sculling Championship
26 Cricket
27 Bowls
28 Association Football
29 Running
30 Lawn Tennis/Ladies Championship
31 Billiards Record Break
32 Fenching
33 Boxing
34 Chess
35 Wrestling
36 Golf/English Ladies Close Championship
37 Whippet Racing
38 Fox Hunting
39 Ski-Running
40 Rugby Football
41 Cross Country Running
42 Furthest South Pole Expedition
43 Water Polo
44 Punting
45 Cycling
46 Mountain Climbing
47 Throw The Javelin
48 Highest Dive
49 Gorden-Bennet Cup Balloon Race
50 Baseball

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