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Zeenuts ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1930 Zeenuts
1 John Bassler
2 Otis Brannon
3 Howard Burkett
4 Cleo Carlyle
5 Michael Gazella
6 Ernest Kelly
7 Minor Heath
8 George Hollerson
9 Augustus Johns
10 Dudley Lee
11 Edwin Leishman
12 Mike Maloney
13 Vance Page
14 Walter Rehg
15 William Rumler
16 Henry Severeid
17 Jim Turner
18 Oscar Vitt Mgr
19 Frank Wetzel
20 Charles Wetzell
21 Edward Baecht
22 Noble Ballou
23 Clyde Barfoot
24 John Butler
25 Harry Childs
26 Carl Dittmar
27 Glen Gabler
28 Fred Haney
29 Roy Hannah
30 George Harper
31 Carl Holling
32 Berlyn Horn
33 Ray Jacobs
34 John Lelivelt
35 Johnny Moore
36 Art Parker
37 Wilbert Peters
38 Vaughn Roberts
39 Francis Sigafoos
40 Arnold Statz
41 August Walsh
42 Dallas Warren
43 Earl Webb
44 Earl Baldwin
45 Ike Boone
46 William Brenzel
47 George Burns
48 George Caster
49 Walter Christensen
50 Edwin Church
51 Bert Cole
52 Joe Coscarart
53 Ken Douglas
54 Fred Hoffman
55 Irving Hufft
56 Ernest Kelly
57 Wade Killifer Mgr
58 Charles Lieber
59 Herb McQuaide
60 John Monroe
61 Ed Mulligan
62 Merton Nelson
63 Ernie Nevers
64 Herman Pillette
65 Edward Pillette
66 William Rodda
67 Harry Rosenberg
68 Robert Shanklin
69 Charles Wallgren
70 Paul Andrews
71 Leroy Anton
72 Russ Arlett
73 Ray Brubaker
74 Harold Chamberlain
75 Howard Craghead
76 Pete Daglia
77 Monroe Dean
78 Bernard De Viveiros
79 Martin Dumovich
80 Jim Edwards
81 Antone Governor
82 Francis Griffin
83 Bob Hurst
84 Jack Jacobs
85 Charles Jeffcoat
86 Roy Joiner
87 Charles Kasich
88 Ernie Lombardi
89 Louis Martin
90 Joe Mellana
91 Monte Pearson
92 Walter Porter
93 Addison Read
94 Peter Ricci
95 Stanley Schino
96 Robert Stevenson
97 Bernard Uhalt
98 John Vergez
99 Carl Zamlach Mgr
100 Charles Bates
101 John Beck
102 Joe Bowman
103 Charles Chatham
104 Jim Cronin
105 Wally French
106 Malcolm Hillis
107 Bob Johnson
108 Frank Mulana
109 Ray Odell
110 Joseph Palmisano
111 Bill Pasedel
112 Joseph Trembly
113 Charles Woodall
114 Leonard Backer
115 Harry Brown
116 Ed Bryan
117 Dolph Camilli
118 Clem Coyle
119 Tom Flynn
120 Antonio Freitas
121 Ray French
122 Al Gould
123 Myril Hoag
124 Wally Hood
125 Ray Keating
126 Art Koehler
127 Jim McLaughlin
128 Frank Osborne
129 Ray Rohwer
130 John Ryan Mgr
131 Henry Steinbacker
132 Fay Thomas
133 Louri Vinci
134 Aaron Ward
135 Elwood Wirts
136 Loris Baker
137 James Caveney
138 Ed Coleman
139 Frank Crosetti
140 Curt Davis
141 Jerry Donovan
142 Alex Gaston
143 Elmer Jacobs
144 Arthur Jahn
145 E. R. Knight
146 Art McDougal
147 John Mails
148 John Miljus
149 John Miljus
150 Al Montgomery
151 Adolph Penebskey
152 Clyde Perry
153 Mel Petterson
154 Ralph Pinelli
155 George Powles
156 Bob Reed
157 Earl Sheely
158 Ernest Sulik
159 Milt Thomas
160 Hal Turpin
161 Nick Williams Mgr
162 Ab Wingo
163 James Zinn
164 William Allington
165 Luis Almada
166 David Barbee
167 Earl Brucker
168 Pat Collins
169 Frank Cox
170 Floyd Ellsworth
171 Charles Falk
172 Gilbert Fisch
173 Bob Holland
174 Andy House
175 W. W. Hubbell
176 Ernie Johnson Mgr
177 Rudolph Kallio
178 W. E. Knothe
179 Earl Kunz
180 Frank Lamanski
181 Bill Lawrence
182 Frederick Muller
183 Walter Olney
184 Fred Pipgrass
185 Harry Taylor
186 Gomer Wilson

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