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Yankees Stamps ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1944 Yankees Stamps
1 Ernie Bonham
2 Hank Borowy
3 Marvin Breuer
4 Tommy Byrne
5 Spud Chandler
6 Earle Combs Coach
7 Frank Crosetti
8 Bill Dickey
9 Atley Donald
10 Nick Etten
11 Art Fletcher Coach
12 Joe Gordon
13 Oscar Grimes
14 Rollie Hemsley
15 Bill Johnson
16 Charlie Keller
17 John Lindell
18 Joe McCarthy Mgr
19 Bud Metheny
20 Johnny Murphy
21 Pat O'Dougherty
22 Marius Russo
23 John Schulte
24 Ken Sears
25 Tuck Stainback
26 George Stirnweiss
27 Jim Turner
28 Roy Weatherly
29 Charley Wensloff
30 Bill Zuber

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