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Yankees Photos SCFC ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1968 Yankees Photos SCFC
59 Ruben Amaro
60 Stan Bahnsen
61 Steve Barber
62 Horace Clarke
63 Rocky Colavito
64 Al Downing
65 Frank Fernandez
66 Jake Gibbs
67 Steve Hamilton
68 Dick Howser
69 Andy Kosco
70 Lindy McDaniel
71 Gene Michael
72 Bill Monbouquette
73 Joe Pepitone
74 Fritz Peterson Autographed
75 Fritz Peterson Closer Portrait
76 Bill Robinson
77 Charlie Smith
78 Fred Talbot
79 Joe Verbanic
80 Steve Whitaker
81 Roy White
82 Dooley Womack
83 Bobby Cox
84 Bill Dickey Coach
85 Frank Fernandez
86 Tom Tresh
87 Jim Turner Coach

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