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Yankees Dynasty 1936-39 TCMA ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1975 Yankees Dynasty 1936-39 TCMA
1 Ivy Paul Andrews
2 Joe Beggs
3 Marv Breuer
4 Johnny Broaca
5 Jumbo Brown
6 Spud Chandler
7 Ben Chapman
8 Earl Combs Coach
9 Frankie Crosetti
10 Babe Dahlgren
11 Joe Di Maggio
12 Bill Dickey
13 Atley Donald
14 Wes Farrell
15 Artie Fletcher Coach
16 Lou Gehrig
17 Joe Glenn
18 Lefty Gomez
19 Joe Gordon
20 Bump Hadley
21 Don Heffner
22 Tommy Henrich
23 Oral Hildebrand
24 Myril Hoag
25 Roy Johnson
26 Art Jorgens
27 Charlie Keller
28 Ted Kleinhans
29 Billy Knickerbocker
30 Tony Lazzeri
31 Frank Makosky
32 Pat Malone
33 Joe McCarthy MGJacob Ruppert Owner
34 Johnny Murphy
35 Monty Pearson
36 Jake Powell
37 Red Rolfe
38 Buddy Rosar
39 Red Ruffing
40 Marius Russo
41 Jack Saltzgaver
42 Paul Schreiber
43 Johnny Schulte
44 Bob Seeds
45 Twinkletoes Selkirk
46 Steve Sundra
47 Sandy Vance
48 Dixie Walker
49 Kemp Wicker
50 World Champions 1936 Team celebrating
51 World Champions 1937 Joe Di Maggio Frankie Crosetti
52 World Champions 1938 Red Rolfe Tony Lazzeri
53 World Champions 1939 Lou Gehrig Joe DiMaggio
54 Lou Gehrig Hits Another

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