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Worch Cigar Minors ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1933 Worch Cigar Minors
1 Buzz Arlett
2 Dave Bancroft With background
3 Dave Bancroft Without background
4 Clyde Beck
5 Rube Benton Throwing
6 Otto Bluege
6 Rube Benton Portrait
7 Bob Boken
8 Dudley Bramon
9 James Brown
10 Donie Bush Printed name
11 Donie Bush In business suit
12 Donie Bush Written name
12 Spurgeon Chandler
13 Tiny Chaplin
14 Gowell Claset
15 Andy Cohen Fielding
16 Bob Coleman Mgr
17 Andy Cohen Portrait
17 Nick Cullop
18 Robert Fenner
19 Lou Fetter
20 Bob Fothergill
21 Fabian Gaffke
21 Pea Ridge Day
22 Denny Galehouse
23 Babe Ganzel Batting with background
24 Babe Ganzel Batting without background
24 Ray Fitzgerald
25 Lou Garland
26 Johnny Gill
27 Babe Ganzel Portrait
27 Joe Glenn
28 Berley Grimes
29 Pinky Hargrave
30 Bryan Harriss
31 Spencer Harris Batting
32 Joe Hauser Batting
33 Joe Hauser Not batting
33 Wes Griffin
34 Butch Henline
35 Phil Hensick Throwing
36 Walter Hilcher
37 Jess Hill
37 Spencer Harris Portrait
38 Robert Holland
39 Harry Holsclaw
39 Joe Hauser Portrait
40 Meredith Hopkins
41 Irvine Jeffries
41 Spike Hunter
42 Frank J. Henry
42 Monk Joyner
43 Phil Hensiek Portrait}
43 Ralph Judd
44 Ray Kolp
45 Eddie Leishman
46 Bunker Hill
46 Leitz
47 Chuck Morrow
48 Emmett McCann
49 Marty McManus
50 Bill McWilliams
51 Howard Mills
52 Joe Mowry Batting
53 Leslie Munns
54 Floyd Newkirk
55 Leo Norris
56 Ben Paschal
57 Bill Perrin
58 Jess Petty Throwing outfield wall visible
59 Jess Petty Throwing clear background
60 Ray Radcliff
61 Joe Mowry Portrait
61 Joe Rezotko
62 John Rigney
63 Lawrence Rosenthal
64 Art Ruble Batting with background
65 Art Ruble Batting without background
66 Ivy Shiver
67 Ernie Smith Batting with background
68 Ernie Smith Batting without background
68 Jess Petty Portrait
69 Ray Starr
70 Lee Stine
71 Monty Stratton
72 Paul Richards
72 Steve Sundra
73 Walt Tauscher
74 Bill Rodda
74 Miles Thomas
75 Harry Rose
75 Phil Todt
76 Gene Trow
77 Art Ruble Portrait
77 Russell Vanatta
78 Hy Van Denberg Pitching clear background
79 Hy Vandenburg Pitching wall visible
80 Elam Vangilder Pitching
80 Rosy Ryan
81 Al Sheehan
81 Jack Warner
82 Wolcyn
83 A. B. Wright
83 Eddie Sicking
84 Ernie Smith Portrait
84 Russ Young
96 Hy Van Denberg Portrait
98 Elam Vangilder Portrait

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