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Willards Chocolates V100 ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1923 Willards Chocolates V100
1 Babe Adams
2 Grover C. Alexander
3 James Austin Mgr
4 Jim Bagby
5 Frank Baker
6 Dave Bancroft
7 Turner Barber
8 Jesse L. Barnes
9 John Bassler
10 Lu Blue
11 Norman Boekel
12 Frank Brazill
13 George H. Burns
14 George J. Burns
15 Leon Cadore
16 Max Carey
17 Harold G. Carlson
18 Lloyd Christenberry
19 Vernon J. Clemons
20 Ty Cobb
21 Bert Cole
22 John F. Collins
23 Stan Coveleski
24 Walton E. Cruise
25 George W. Cutshaw
26 Jake Daubert
27 George Dauss
28 Frank Davis
29 Charles A. Deal
30 William L. Doak
31 Wild Bill Donovan Mgr
32 Hugh Duffy Mgr
33 Joe Dugan
34 Louis B. Duncan
35 Jimmy Dykes
36 Howard Ehmke
37 Francis R. Ellerbe
38 Eric G. Erickson
39 Johnny Evers Mgr
40 Urban Faber
41 Bibb Falk
42 Max Flack
43 Lee Fohl Mgr
44 Jack Fournier
45 Frank Frisch
46 C. E. Galloway
47 Billy Gardner
48 Edward Gharrity
49 George Gibson
50 Kid Gleason Mgr
51 William Gleason
52 Hank Gowdy
53 I. M. Griffin
54 Thomas Griffith
55 Burleigh Grimes
56 Charlie Grimm
57 Jesse Haines
58 Bill Harris
59 Bucky Harris
60 Robert Hasty
61 Harry Heilmann
62 Walter Henline
63 Walter Holke
64 Charles Hollocher
65 Harry Hooper
66 Rogers Hornsby
67 Waite Hoyt
68 Miller Huggins Mgr
69 W. C. Jacobson
70 Charlie Jamieson
71 E. Johnson
72 Walter Johnson
73 James H. Johnston
74 Bob Jones
75 Sam Jones
76 Joe Judge
77 James W. Keenan
78 Geo. L. Kelly
79 Peter J. Kilduff
80 William Killefer
81 Lee King
82 Ray Kolp
83 John Lavan
84 Nemo Leibold
85 Connie Mack Mgr
86 Duster Mails
87 Walter Maranville
88 Richard W. Marquard
89 Carl W. Mays
90 Geo. F. McBride
91 Harvey McClellan
92 John J. McGraw Mgr
93 Austin B. McHenry
94 Snuffy McInnis
95 Douglas McWeeny
96 Mike Menosky
97 Emil F. Meusel
98 Bob Meusel
99 Henry W. Meyers
100 Clyde Milan Mgr
101 John K. Miljus
102 Edmund J. Miller
103 Elmer Miller
104 Otto L. Miller
105 Fred Mitchell Mgr
106 Geo. Mogridge
107 Patrick J. Moran Mgr
108 John D. Morrison
109 Johnny Mostil
110 Clarence F. Mueller
111 Greasy Neale
112 Joseph Oeschger
113 Robert J. O'Farrell
114 John Oldham
115 Ivy Olson
116 Geo. M. O'Neil
117 Steve O'Neill
118 Frank J. Parkinson
119 Dode Paskert
120 Roger Peckinpaugh
121 Herb Pennock
122 Ralph Perkins
123 Jeff Pfeffer
124 Wally Pipp
125 Charles Ponder
126 Raymond R. Powell
127 Del Pratt
128 Joseph Rapp
129 John H. Rawlings
130 Edgar Rice
131 Branch Rickey Mgr
132 James J. Ring
133 Eppa J. Rixey
134 Davis A. Robertson
135 Edwin Rommel
136 Edd J. Roush
137 Harold Ruel
138 Allen Russell
139 Babe Ruth
140 Wilfred D. Ryan
141 Henry F. Sallee
142 Wally Schang
143 Raymond H. Schmandt
144 Everett Scott
145 Henry Severeid
146 Joseph W. Sewell
147 Howard S. Shanks
148 Earl Sheely
149 Ralph Shinners
150 Urban J. Shocker
151 George H. Sisler
152 Earl L. Smith
153 Earl S. Smith
154 George A. Smith
155 John Smith
156 Tris Speaker Mgr
157 Arnold Staatz
158 Riggs Stephenson
159 Milton J. Stock
160 John L. Sullivan
161 Herb Thormahlen
162 James A. Tierney
163 John Tobin
164 James L. Vaughn
165 Bobby Veach
166 Tilly Walker
167 Aaron Ward
168 Zack D. Wheat
169 George B. Whitted
170 Irvin K. Wilhelm
171 Roy H. Wilkinson
172 Fred C. Williams
173 Ken Williams
174 Samuel W. Wilson
175 Ivy B. Wingo
176 Whitey Witt
177 Joseph Wood
178 Clarence Yaryan
179 Ralph Young
180 Ross Youngs

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