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White Sox Team Issue ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1948 White Sox Team Issue
1 Luke Appling
2 Floyd Baker
3 Fred Bradley
4 Earl Caldwell
5 Red Faber Coach
6 Bob Gillespie
7 Jim Goodwin
8 Orval Grove
9 Earl Harrist
10 Joe Haynes
11 Ralph Hodgin
12 Howie Judson
13 Bob Kennedy
14 Don Kolloway
15 Tony Lupien
16 Ted Lyons Mgr
17 Cass Michaels
18 Bing Miller Coach
19 Buster Mills Coach
20 Glen Moulder
21 Frank Papish
22 Ike Pearson
23 Dave Philley
24 Aaron Robinson
25 Mike Tresh
26 Jack Wallaesa
27 Ralph Weigel
28 Bill Wight
29 Taft Wright
30 Team Photo

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