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Victory T214 ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1915 Victory T214
1 Chief Bender
2 Roger Bresnahan
3 Howie Camnitz
4 Ty Cobb
5 Birdie Cree
6 Ray Demmitt
7 Mickey Doolan
8 Tom Downey
9 Kid Elberfeld
10 Russ Ford
11 Art Fromme
12 Rube Geyer
13 Clark Griffith Mgr
14 Bob Groom
15 Hugh Jennings Mgr
16 Walter Johnson
17 Ed Konetchy
18 Nap Lajoie
19 Ed Lennox
20 Sherry Magee
21 Chief Meyers
22 George Mullin
23 Tom Needham
24 Rebel Oakes
25 Jack Quinn
26 Frank Schulte
27 George Stovall
28 Ed Sweeney
29 Joe Tinker
30 Heinie Wagner
31 Zack Wheat
32 Hooks Wiltse

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