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Tom Barker WG6 ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1913 Tom Barker WG6
1 Grover Alexander
2 Chief Bender
3 Bob Bescher
4 Joe Birmingham
5 Roger Bresnahan
6 Nixey Callahan
7 Bill Carrigan
8 Frank Chance
9 Hal Chase
10 Fred Clarke
11 Ty Cobb
12 Sam Crawford
13 Jake Daubert
14 Red Dooin
15 Johnny Evers
16 Vean Gregg
17 Clark Griffith Mgr
18 Dick Hoblitzel
19 Miller Huggins
20 Joe Jackson
21 Hugh Jennings Mgr
22 Walter Johnson
23 Ed Konetchy
24 Nap Lajoie
25 Connie Mack Mgr
26 Rube Marquard
27 Christy Mathewson
28 John McGraw Mgr
29 Chief Meyers
30 Clyde Milan
31 Marty O'Toole
32 Nap Rucker
33 Tris Speaker
34 George Stallings Mgr
35 Bill Sweeney
36 Joe Tinker
37 Honus Wagner
38 Ed Walsh
39 Zack Wheat
40 Ivy Wingo
41 Joe Wood
42 Cy Young

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