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Star Player Candy E-Unc. ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1928 Star Player Candy E-Unc.
1 Dave Bancroft
2 Emile Barnes
3 Lu Blue
4 Garland Buckeye
5 George Burns
6 Guy Bush
7 Owen Carroll
8 Bud Cissell
9 Ty Cobb
10 Mickey Cochrane
11 Richard Coffman
12 Eddie Collins
13 Stan Coveleskie
14 Hugh Critz
15 Kiki Cuyler
16 Chuck Dressen
17 Joe Dugan
18 Woody English
19 Bibb Falk
20 Ira Flagstead
21 Bob Fothergill
22 Frank Frisch
23 Foster Ganzel
24 Lou Gehrig
25 Charley Gehringer
26 George Gerken
27 Grant Gillis
28 Mike Gonzales
29 Sam Gray
30 Charlie Grimm
31 Lefty Grove
32 Chick Hafey
33 Jesse Haines
34 Gabby Hartnett
35 Clifton Heathcote
36 Harry Heilmann
37 John Heving
38 Waite Hoyt
39 Charles Jamieson
40 Joe Judge
41 Willie Kamm
42 George Kelly
43 Tony Lazzeri
44 Adolfo Luque
45 Ted Lyons
46 Hugh McMullen
47 Bob Meusel
48 Wilcy Moore
49 Ed Morgan
50 Buddy Myer
51 Herb Pennock
52 Everett Purdy
53 William Regan
54 Eppa Rixey
55 Charles Root
56 Jack Rothrock
57 Muddy Ruel
58 Babe Ruth
59 Wally Schang
60 Joe Sewell
61 Luke Sewell
62 Joe Shaute
63 George Sisler
64 Tris Speaker
65 Riggs Stephenson
66 Jack Tavener
67 Al Thomas
68 Pie Traynor
69 George Uhle
70 Dazzy Vance
71 Cy Williams
72 Ken Williams
73 Hack Wilson

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