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1979 Red Sox Early Favorites
1 New Fenway Park
2 Mrs. Tom Yawkey Mrs. Eddie Collins
3 1932 Outfielders Tom Oliver Earl Webb Jack Roth
4 Ace Pitchers John Marcum Wes Ferrell Lefty Grov
5 John Gooch
6 Pitching recruits with Joe Cronin Lee Rogers B
7 Danny MacFayden
8 Dale Alexander
9 Robert Fothergill Fatsy
10 Sunday Morning Workout
11 Jimmy Foxx signs ballfor Mrs. Tom Yawkey
12 Lefty Grovereceiving key for new car
13 Lefty Grove Fireball
14 Jack Rothrock Urbane Pickering
15 Tom Daly COAl Schact COHerb Pennock Coach
16 Heinie Manush Eddie Collins
17 Tris Speaker
18 Jimmy Foxx
19 Smead Jolley
20 Hal Trosky James Foxx
21 Harold Muddy Ruel Wilcy Fireman Moore
22 Bob Quinn PRShano Collins Mgr
23 Tom Oliver
24 Joe Cronin COHerb Pennock COBud Buetter
25 Jimmie Foxx

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