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R337 Series Of 24 ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1932 R337 Series Of 24
401 Johnny Vergez
402 Babe Ruth
404 George Pipgras
405 Bill Terry
406 George Connally
407 Wilson Clark
408 Lefty Grove
409 Henry Johnson
410 Jimmy Dykes
411 Henry Hine Schuble
412 Washington Harris Makes Home Run
415 Al Simmons
416 Heinie Manush
417 Glen Myatt
418 Babe Herman
419 Frank Frisch
420 A Safe Slide tothe Home Plate
421 Paul Waner
422 Jimmy Wilson
423 Charles Grimm
424 Dick Bartell
xx Jimmy Foxsic Jimmie Foxx Athletics unnumbered
xx Roy Johnson unnumbered
xx Traynor Pitss (sic) Pittsburgh is out unnumbered

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