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Polo Grounds WG4 ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1914 Polo Grounds WG4
1 Jimmy Archer
2 Frank Baker
3 Frank Chance
4 Larry Cheney
5 Ty Cobb
6 Eddie Collins
7 Larry Doyle
8 Art Fletcher
9 Claude Hendrix
10 Joe Jackson
11 Hugh Jennings Mgr
12 Nap Lajoie
13 Jimmy Lavender
14 Fritz Maisel
15 Rabbit Maranville
16 Rube Marquard
17 Christy Mathewson
18 John McGraw Mgr
19 Stuffy McInnissic McInnes
20 Chief Meyers
21 Red Murray
22 Eddie Plank
23 Nap Rucker
24 Reb Russell
25 Frank Schulte
26 Jim Scott
27 Tris Speaker
28 Honus Wagner
29 Ed Walsh
30 Joe Wood

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