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Plow's Candy E300 ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1911 Plow's Candy E300
1 Babe Adams
2 Frank Baker
3 Cy Barger
4 Jack Barry
5 Johnny Bates
6 Chief Bender
7 Joe Benz
8 Bill Bergen
9 Roger Breshnahan
10 Mordecai Brown
11 Donie Bush
12 Bobby Byrne
13 Nixey Callahan
14 Hal Chase
15 Fred Clarke
16 Ty Cobb
17 King Cole
18 Eddie Collins
19 Jack Coombs
20 Bill Dahlen
21 Bert Daniels
22 George Davis
23 Jim Delahanty
24 Josh Devore
25 Bill Donovan
26 Red Dooin
27 Larry Doyle
28 Johnny Evers
29 Russ Ford
30 Del Gainor
31 Vean Gregg
32 Robert Harmon
33 Arnold Hauser
34 Dick Hoblitzell
35 Solly Hoffman
36 Miller Huggins
37 John Hummel
38 Walter Johnson
39 Johnny Kling
40 Nap Lajoie
41 John Lapp
42 Fred Luderus
43 Sherry Magee
44 Rube Marquard
45 Christy Mathewson
46 Stuffy McInnis
47 Larry McLean
48 Fred Merkle
49 Cy Morgan
50 George Moriarity
51 Harry Mowrey
52 Chief Meyers
53 Rube Oldring
54 Martin O'Toole
55 Nap Rucker
56 Slim Sallee
57 Boss Schmidt
58 Jimmy Sheckard
59 Tris Speaker
60 Billy Sullivan
61 Ira Thomas
62 Joe Tinker
63 John Titus
64 Hippo Vaughn
65 Honus Wagner
66 Ed Walsh
67 Harry Williams

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