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Phillies 1950 TCMA ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1975 Phillies 1950 TCMA
1 Richie Ashburn
2 Benny Bengough Coach
3 Jimmy Bloodworth
4 Hank Borowy
5 Putsy Caballero
6 Emory Church
7 Dusty Cooke Coach
8 Blix Donnelly
9 Del Ennis
10 Mike Goliat
11 Granny Hamner
12 Ken Heintzleman
13 Stan Hollmig
14 Ken Johnson
15 Willie Jones
16 Jim Konstantly
17 Stan Lopata
18 Eddie Mayo
19 Russ Meyer
20 Bob Miller
21 Bill Nicholson
22 Cy Perkins Coach
23 Robin Roberts
24 Eddie Sawyer Mgr
25 Andy Seminick
26 Ken Silvestri
27 Curt Simmons
28 Dick Sisler
29 Jocko Thompson
30 Eddie Waitkus
31 Dick Whitman

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