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1938 Our National Game Tabs
1 Wally Berger
2 Lou Chiozza
3 Joe Cronin
4 Frank Crosetti
5 Dizzy Dean
6 Frank Demaree
7 Joe Di Maggio
8 Bob Feller
9 Jimmy Foxx
10 Charlie Gehringer
11 Lou Gehrig
12 Lefty Gomez
13 Hank Greenberg
14 Bump Hadley
15 Leo Hartnett
16 Carl Hubbell
17 Buddy Lewis
18 Gus Mancuso
19 Joe McCarthy Mgr
20 Joe Medwick
21 Joe Moore
22 Mel Ott
23 Jake Powell
24 Jimmy Ripple
25 Red Ruffing
26 Hal Schumacher
27 George Selkirk
28 Al Simmons
29 Bill Terry
30 Harold Trosky

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