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Orioles Postcards ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1971 Orioles Postcards
1 George Bamberger Coach
2 Mark Belanger
3 Paul Blair
4 Don Buford
5 Mike Cuellar
6 Clay Dalrymple
7 Jerry Da Vanon
8 Pat Dobson
9 Tom Dukes
10 Andy Etchebarren
11 Jim Frey Coach
12 Dick Hall
13 Jim Hardin
14 Elrod Hendricks
15 Billy Hunter Coach
16 Grant Jackson
17 Dave Johnson
18 Dave McNally
19 Curt Motton
20 Jim Palmer
21 Boog Powell
22 Merv Rettenmund
23 Pete Richert
24 Brooks Robinson
25 Frank Robinson
26 Chico Salmon
27 Tom Shopay
28 George Staller Coach
29 Ed Watt
30 Earl Weaver Mgr

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