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Middy Bread ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1927 Middy Bread
1 Grover Alexander
2 Herman Bell
3 Lester Bell
4 Ray Blades
5 Jim Bottomley
6 Danny Clark
7 Taylor Douthit
8 Frank Frisch
9 Chick Hafey
10 Jesse Haines
11 Vic Keen
12 Bob McGraw
13 Bob O'Farrell
14 Art Reinhardt
15 Jimmy Ring
16 Walter Roettger
17 Robert Schang
18 Willie Sherdel
19 Billy Southworth
20 Tommy Thevenow
21 George Toporcer
22 Spencer Adams
23 Win Ballou
24 Walter Beck
25 Herschel Bennett
26 Stewart Bolen
27 Leo Dixon
28 Chester Falk
29 Milt Gaston
30 Walter Gerber
31 Sam Jones
32 Carlisle Littlejohn
33 Oscar Melillo
34 Bing Miller
35 Otis Miller
36 Billie Mullen
37 Ernie Nevers
38 Steve O'Neil
39 Harry Rice
40 George Sisler
41 Walter Stewart
42 Elom Van Gilder
43 Ken Williams
44 Ernie Wingard
45 Ross Youngs

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