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Maple Crispette V117 ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1923 Maple Crispette V117
1 J. Barnes
2 Pie Traynor
3 Ray Schalk
4 Eddie Collins
5 Lee Fohl Mgr
6 Howard Summa
7 Waite Hoyt
8 Babe Ruth
9 Cozy Dolan Coach
10 Johnny Bassler
11 George Dauss
12 Joe Sewell
13 Syl Johnson
14 Ivy Wingo
15 Casey Stengel SP
16 Arnold Statz
17 Emil Meusel
18 Bill Jacobson
19 Jim Bottomley
20 Sam Bohne
21 Bucky Harris
22 Ty Cobb
23 Roger Peckinpaugh
24 Muddy Ruel
25 Bill McKechnie
26 Riggs Stephenson
27 Herb Pennock
28 Ed Roush
29 Bill Wambsganss
30 Walter Johnson

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