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Kellogg's Pep Stamps ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1937 Kellogg's Pep Stamps
BB1 Luke Appling 7
BB2 Mordecai Brown 22
BB3 Leo Durocher 3
BB4 Johnny Evers 17
BB5 Rick Ferrell 16
BB6 Lew Fonseca 15
BB7 Gabby Hartnett 5
BB8 Billy Herman 6
BB9 Walter Johnson 13
BB10 Ducky Medwick 1
BB11 Buddy Myer 19
BB12 George Selkirk 12
BB13 Tris Speaker 20/23
BB14 Bill Terry 11
BB15 Joe Tinker 21
BB16 Arky Vaughan 8
BB17 Paul Waner 9
BB18 Sam West 18

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