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H.H. Bregstone PC743 ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1909 H.H. Bregstone PC743
1 Bill Bailey
2 Jap Barbeau
3 Shad Barry
4 Fred Beebe
5 Frank Betcher
6 Jack Bliss
7 Roger Bresnahan
8 Bobby Byrne
9 Chappy Charles
10 Frank Corridon
11 Dade Criss
12 Lou Criger
13 Joe Delahanty
14 Bill Dineen
15 Rube Ellis
16 Steve Evans
17 Art Fromme
18 Rube Geyer
19 Billy Gilbert
20 Bert Graham
21 B. Gregory Probably Howie Gregory
22 Art Griggs
23 Bob Harmon
24 Roy Hartzell
25 Irv Higginbotham
26 Thomas Higgins
27 Danny Hoffman
28 Harry Howell
29 Miller Huggins
30 Rudy Hulswitt
31 Johnson
32 Tom Jones
33 Ed Konetchy
34 Johnny Lush
35 Lee Magee
36 Jimmy McAleer Mgr
37 Stoney McGlynn
38 Rebel Oakes
39 Tom O'Hara
40 Ham Patterson
41 Barney Pelty
42 Ed Phelps
43 Elmer Rieger
44 Charlie Rhodes
45 Slim Sallee
46 Schweitzer
47 Wib Smith
48 Jim Stephens
49 George Stone
50 Rube Waddell
51 Bobby Wallace
52 Jim Williams
53 Vic Willis

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