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General Baking D304 ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1912 General Baking D304
1 J. Frank Baker
2 Jack Barry
3 George Bell
4 Charles Bender
5 Frank Chance
6 Hal Chase
7 Ty Cobb
8 Eddie Collins
9 Otis Crandall
10 Sam Crawford
11 John Evans
12 Arthur Fletcher
13 Charles Herzog
14 M. Kelly
15 Napoleon Lajoie
16 Rube Marquard
17 Christy Mathewson
18 Fred Merkle
19 Chief Meyers
20 Marty O'Toole
21 Nap Rucker
22 Arthur Shafer
23 Fred Tenny
24 Honus Wagner
25 Cy Young

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