OBC - Guest
Funky Facts ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1976 Funky Facts
1 Duck
2 In a Trance
3 Fans vs. Players
4 Famous Pitches
5 Baseballeese
6 Lilliputians The Small Men
7 Nicknames
8 Hall of Fame
9 Team Nicknames
10 The Good Old Days
11 Fantastic Fans
12 Most Valuable Players
13 The Mound Was Green
14 Strata Gems
15 Raids and Wars
16 Crime and Punishment
17 Clowning
18 Goofy Home Runs
19 Traditions
20 All in the Family
21 World Series IIFeet and Feats
22 Athletes
23 Batting Champs
24 Double Plays
25 The Game
26 Supersititions
27 On the Basepaths
28 Fielding
29 Weird Pitching Feats
30 World Series IPar Excellance
31 Tools of Ignorance Catchers
32 Home Run Derby
33 No Hitters
34 Umps are Human Too
35 The Wild Ones
36 Batting Around
37 Not in Shape
38 Switch
39 Nicknames Matchup
40 International Baseball

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