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Fleer Ted Williams ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1959 Fleer Ted Williams
1 The Early Years
2 Ted's Idol Babe Ruth
3 Practice Makes Perfect
4 Learns Fine Points
5 Ted's Fame Spreads
6 Ted Turns Pro
7 From Mound to Plate
8 1937 First Full Season
9 Williams/E. Collins
10 Gunning as Pastime
11 T. Williams/J. Foxx
12 Burning Up Minors
13 1939 Shows Will Stay
14 Outstanding Rookie '39
15 Licks Sophomore Jinx
16 1941 Greatest Year
17 How Ted Hit .400
18 1941 All Star Hero
19 Ted Wins Triple Crown
20 On to Naval Training
21 Honors for Williams
22 1944 Ted Solos
23 Williams Wins Wings
24 1945 Sharpshooter
25 1945 Ted Discharged
26 Off to Flying Start
27 7/9/46 One Man Show
28 The Williams Shift
29 Ted Hits for Cycle
30 Beating Williams Shift
31 Sox Lose Series
32 Most Valuable Player
33 Another Triple Crown
34 Runs Scored Record
35 Sox Miss Pennant
36 Banner Year for Ted
37 1949 Sox Miss Again
38 1949 Power Rampage
39 1950 Great Start
40 Ted Crashes into Wall
41 1950 Ted Recovers
42 Williams/Tom Yawkey
43 Double Play Lead
44 Back to Marines
45 Farewell to Baseball
46 Ready for Combat
47 Ted Crash Lands Jet
48 1953 Ted Returns
49 Smash Return
50 1954 Spring Injury
51 Ted is Patched Up
52 1954 Ted's Comeback
53 Comeback is Success
54 Ted Hooks Big One
55 Retirement No Go
56 2000th Hit 8/11/55
57 400th Homer
58 Williams Hits .388
59 Hot September for Ted
60 More Records for Ted
61 1957 Outfielder Ted
62 1958 Sixth Batting Title
63 AS Record w/Auto
64 Daughter and Daddy
65 1958 August 30
66 1958 Powerhouse
67 Fam. Fishermen w/Snead
68 Signs for 1959 SP
69 A Future Ted Williams
70 T. Williams/J. Thorpe
71 Hitting Fundamental 1
72 Hitting Fundamental 2
73 Hitting Fundamental 3
74 Here's How
75 Williams' Value to Sox
76 On Base Record
77 Ted Relaxes
78 Honors for Williams
79 Where Ted Stands
80 Ted's Goals for 1959

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