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Exhibits PCL ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1928 Exhibits PCL
1 Buzz Arlett
2 Earl Averill
3 Carl Berger (sic) Walter
4 Ping Bodie
5 Carl Dittmar Horizontal
6 Jack Penton
7 Neal 'Mickey' Finn
8 Tony Governor
9 Truck Hannah Horizontal
10 Mickey Heath Horizontal
11 Wally Hood
12 Fuzzy Hufft
13 Snead Jolly (sic) Smead Jolley
14 Ducky Jones
15 Rudy Kallio
16 Johnny Kerr Horizontal
17 Harry Krause
18 Lynford H. Larry (sic) Lary
19 Dudley Lee
20 Walter 'Duster' Mails
21 Jimmy Reese
22 Dusty Rhodes
23 Hal Rhyne
24 Hank Severied Severeid sic
25 Earl Sheely
26 Frank Shellenback
27 Gordon Slade
28 Hollis Thurston
29 Babe Twombly
30 Earl 'Tex' Weatherby
31 Ray French
32 Ray Keating

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