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E-Unc. Orange Bordered Strip C ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1910 E-Unc. Orange Bordered Strip C
1 National League Champions 1909 Pirates
2 American League Champions 1909 Tigers
3 Bill Bergen
4 Bill Carrigan
5 Hal Chase
6 Fred Clark (sic) Clarke
7 Ty Cobb
8 Sam Crawford
9 Lou Criger
10 Mickey Doolan
11 George Gibson
12 Frank La Porte
13 Nap Lajoie
14 Harry Lord
15 Christy Mathewson
16 John McGraw
17 Dots Miller
18 George Mullin
19 Eddie Plank
20 Tris Speaker
21 Jake Stahl
22 Heinie Wagner
23 Honus Wagner
24 Jack Warhop

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