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Cubs Team Issue ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1931 Cubs Team Issue
1 Ed Baecht
2 Les Bell
3 Clarence Blair
4 Sheriff Blake
5 Guy Bush
6 Margaret Donahue FO
7 Woody English
8 Charlie Grimm
9 Gabby Hartnett
10 Rollie Helmsley
11 Rogers Hornsby
12 Billy Jurges
13 Bob Lewis TS
14 Andy Lotshaw TR
15 Pat Malone
16 Frank May
17 John Moore
18 Charlie Root
19 Bob Smith
20 Ray Schalk Coach
21 John Seys FO
22 Riggs Stephenson
23 Les Sweetland
24 Zack Taylor
25 Bud Teachout
26 William Veeck PRES
27 W. M. Warner FO
28 Hack Wilson
29 Phil Wrigley
30 William Wrigley Owner

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