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Butterfinger Canadian V94 ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1933 Butterfinger Canadian V94
1 Earl Averill
2 Larry Benton
3 Jim Bottomley
4 Tom Bridges
5 Bob Brown
6 Owen T. Carroll
7 Mickey Cochrane
8 Roger Cramer
9 Joe Cronin
10 Alvin Crowder
11 Dizzy Dean
12 Edward Delker
13 Bill Dickey
14 Rick Ferrell
15 Lew Fonseca
16A Jimmy Fox (sic) Fox
16B Jimmie Foxx
17 Chuck Fullis
18 Lou Gehrig
19 Charles Gehringer
20 Lefty Gomez
21 Lefty Grove
22 Mule Haas
23 Chick Hafey
24 Stanley Harris
25 Frank Higgins
26 Shorty Hogan
27 Ed Holley
28 Waite Hoyt
29 Jim Jordan
30 Hal Lee
31 Gus Mancuso
32 Oscar Melillo
33 Austin Moore
34 Randy Moore
35 Joe Morrissey
36 Joe Mowry
37 Bobo Newsom
38 Ernest Orsatti
39 Carl Reynolds
40 Walter Roettger
41 Babe Ruth
42 Blondy Ryan
43 John Salveson
44 Al Simmons
45 Al Smith
46 Harold Smith
47 Allyn Stout
48 Fresco Thompson
49 Art Veltman
50 Johnny Vergez
51 Gerald Walker
52 Paul Waner
53 Burgess Whitehead
54 Earl Whitehill
55 Robert Weiland
56 Jimmy Wilson
57 Bob Worthington
58 Tom Zachary

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