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BF104 Blanket ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1937 BF104 Blanket
1 Luke Appling
2 Moe Berg
3 Cy Blanton
4 Mickey Cochrane
5 Joe Cronin
6 Tony Cuccinello
7 Dizzy Dean
8 Jimmie Dykes
9 Jimmie Foxx
10 Frankie Frisch
11 Woody Jensen
12 Harry Kelly
13 Thornton Lee
14 Connie Mack Mgr
15 Stu Martin
16 Joe Medwick
17 Ray Mueller
18 Bobo Newsome
19 Monty Stratton
20 Pie Traynor
21 Jim Turner
22 Bill Werber
23 Rudy York

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