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B18 Blankets ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1914 B18 Blankets
1A Johnny Bassler YB
1B Johnny Bassler PB
2A Ray Chapman YB
2B Ray Chapman PB
3A Jack Graney YB
3B Jack Graney PB
4A Joe Jackson YB
4B Joe Jackson PB
5A Nemo Leibold YB
5B Nemo Leibold PB
6A Willie Mitchell YB
6B Willie Mitchell PB
7A Ivy Olson YB
7B Ivy Olson PB
8A Steve O'Neil YB
8B Steve O'Neil PB
9A Terry Turner YB
9B Terry Turner PB
10A Del Baker white infield
10B Del Baker BI
10C Del Baker RI
11A Paddy Bauman white infield
11B Paddy Bauman BI
11C Paddy Bauman RI
12A George Burns white infield
12B George Burns BI
12C George Burns RI
13A Marty Cavanaugh white infield
13B Marty Cavanaugh BI
13C Marty Cavanaugh RI
14A Ty Cobb WI
14B Ty Cobb BI
14C Ty Cobb RI
15A Harry Coveleski white infield
15B Harry Coveleski BI
15C Harry Coveleski RI
16A Ray Demmitt white infield
16B Ray Demmitt BI
16C Ray Demmitt RI
17A Del Gainor white infield
17B Del Gainor BI
18 Marty Kavanaugh white infield
19A George Moriarty white infield
19B George Moriarty BI
19C George Moriarty RI
20 Luke Boone
21 Frank Chance 3
22 King Cole
23 Topsy Hartzell
24 Ray Keating
25 Fritz Maisel
26 Roger Peckinpaugh
27 Jeff Sweeney
28 Dee Walsh
29A Sam Agnew RP
29B Sam Agnew PP
30A Jimmy Austin RP
30B Jimmy Austin PP
31A Earl Hamilton RP
31B Earl Hamilton PP
32A Bill McAllister RP
32B Bill McAllister PP
33A Del Pratt RP
33B Del Pratt PP
34A Burt Shotton RP
34B Burt Shotton PP
35A Bobby Wallace RP
35B Bobby Wallace PP
36A Jimmy Walsh RP
36B Jimmy Walsh PP
37A Gus Williams RP
37B Gus Williams PP
38 Eddie Ainsmith
39 Eddie Foster
40 Chick Gandil
41 Walter Johnson
42 George McBride
43 Clyde Milan
44 Danny Moeller
45 Ray Morgan
46 Howard Shanks
47A Joe Connolly white infield
47B Joe Connolly BI
48A Hank Gowdy white infield
48B Hank Gowdy BI
48C Hank Gowdy RI
49A Tommy Griffith white infield
49B Tommy Griffith BI
49C Tommy Griffith RI
50A Bill James white infield
50B Bill James BI
51A Les Mann white infield
51B Les Mann BI
51C Les Mann RI
52A Rabbit Maranville WI
52B Rabbit Maranville BI
52C Rabbit Maranville RI
53A Hub Perdue white infield
53B Hub Perdue BI
54A Lefty Tyler white infield
54B Lefty Tyler BI
54C Lefty Tyler RI
55A Bart Whaling white infield
55B Bart Whaling BI
55C Bart Whaling RI
56 George Cutshaw
57 Jake Daubert
58 John Hummel
59 Otto Miller
60 Nap Rucker
61 Red Smith
62 Casey Stengel
63 Bull Wagner
64 Zach Wheat
65 George Burns
66 Larry Doyle
67 Art Fletcher
68 Eddie Grant
69 Chief Meyers
70 Red Murray
71 Fred Snodgrass
72 Jeff Tesreau
73 Hooks Wiltse
74A Babe Adams RB
74B Babe Adams PB
75A Max Carey RB
75B Max Carey PB
76A George Gibson RB
76B George Gibson PP
77A Ham Hyatt RB
77B Ham Hyatt PB
78A Joe Kelley Kelly RB
78B Joe Kelley Kelly PB
79A Ed Konetchy RB
79B Ed Konetchy PB
80A Mike Mowrey RB
80B Mike Mowrey PB
81A Marty O'Toole RB
81B Marty O'Toole PB
82A Jim Viox RB
82B Jim Viox PB
83A Bill Doak PP
83B Bill Doak YP
84A Cozy Dolan PP
84B Cozy Dolan YP
85A Miller Huggins PP
85B Miller Huggins YP
86A Dot's Miller PP
86B Dot's Miller YP
87A Hank Robinson PP
87B Hank Robinson YP
88A Slim Sallee PP
88B Slim Sallee YP
89A Bill Steele PP
89B Bill Steele YP
90A Possum Whitted PP
90B Possum Whitted YP
91A Owen Wilson PP
91B Owen Wilson YP

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