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1936-41 Overland Candy R301 ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1936 1936-41 Overland Candy R301
1 Mel Almada
2 Luke Appling
3 Earl Averill
4 Wally Berger
5 Zeke Bonura
6 Phil Cavaretta
7 Ben Chapman
8 Harland Clift
9 Johnny Cooney Boston
10 Johnny Cooney Brooklyn
11 Bill Dietrich Chicago
12 Bill Dietrich Philadelphia
13 Joe Di Maggio
14 Jimmie Foxx
15 Lou Gehrig
16 Charley Gehringer
17 Jose Luis Gomez
18 Lefty Gomez
19 Joe Gordon
20 Hank Greenberg
21 Lefty Grove
22 Mule Haas
23 Rollie Hemsley
24 Pinky Higgins
25 Oral Hildebrand
26 Bob Johnson
27 Buck Jordan
28 Fabian Kowalik
28 Ken Keltner
29 Cookie Lavagetto
30 Tony Lazzeri
31 Samuel A. Leslie
32 Danny Litwhiler
33 Ted Lyons
34 George McQuinn
35 Johnny Mize
36 Frankie Pytlak
37 Rip Radcliff
38 Pete Reiser
39 Red Rolfe
40 Schoolboy Rowe
41 Al Simmons
42 Cecil Travis
43 Hal Trosky
44 Joe Vosmik
45 Bill Werber
46 Max West
47 Sam West
48 Whit Wyatt

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