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1910-15 Ornate Oval Pins ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1910 1910-15 Ornate Oval Pins
1 Jimmy Archer
2 Frank Baker
3 Jack Barry
4 Chief Bender
5 Frank Chance
6 Ty Cobb
7 Eddie Collins
8 Al Demaree
9 Johnny Evers
10 Dick Hoblitzel
11 Walter Johnson
12 Benny Kauff
13 Johnny Kling
14 Ed Konetchy
15 Nap Lajoie
16 Sherry Magee
17 Rube Marquard
18 C. Mathewson
19 John McGraw
20 Tris Speaker
21 Jeff Tesreau
22 Joe Tinker

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