Doug Smith (OBC Member since 1994-01-01) e-mail wantlist
1948-72 Topps and Bowman, Ty Cobb, Christy Mathewson, Goudey Wide Pens, 1880's Trade Cards, Colgan Chips, Topps Scratch offs, 1939 Playball.
---- Retired OBC Members ---- |
Carlos Alcazar (OBC Member since 1996-08-01) e-mail
Bill Ashton (OBC Member since 2007-07-01) e-mail
Dan Austin (OBC Member since 1999-11-01) e-mail
Gary Beard (OBC Member since 2012-10-01) e-mail
Geordie Calvert (OBC Member since 1996-11-01) e-mail
Steve Carter (OBC Member since 2015-11-08) e-mail
Yuk Chow (OBC Member since 2000-07-01) e-mail
Glenn Codere (OBC Member since 1997-07-01) e-mail
Al Cummings (OBC Member since 1993-02-01) e-mail
John Dahms (OBC Member since 2008-04-22) e-mail
Richard Dingman (OBC Member since 2008-12-14) e-mail
Brett Domue (OBC Member since 1996-11-01) e-mail
Alvin Edwards (OBC Member since 2015-11-01) e-mail
Kent Goto (OBC Member since 1992-01-01) e-mail
Joel Gyselinck (OBC Member since 2008-04-15) e-mail
John Harrell (OBC Member since 1997-11-01) e-mail
Peter Iversen (OBC Member since 1991-12-01) e-mail
Rick Johnson (OBC Member since 2006-12-22) e-mail
Mark Macrae (OBC Member since 1999-09-01) e-mail
Tom Massimo (OBC Member since 2005-08-05) e-mail
Lynn Miller (OBC Member since 1994-08-01) e-mail
Greg Miller (OBC Member since 1999-11-01) e-mail
Howard Morgan (OBC Member since 1995-11-01) e-mail
Kit Okamuro (OBC Member since 2002-11-02) e-mail
Jimmy Parker (OBC Member since 2000-05-01) e-mail
Don Rice (OBC Member since 2004-08-04) e-mail
Bob Saxton (OBC Member since 1999-11-01) e-mail
David Skoglund (OBC Member since 1997-11-01) e-mail
Brandon Wax (OBC Member since 2014-01-18) e-mail
Marshall West (OBC Member since 1996-11-01) e-mail
Anson Whaley (OBC Member since 2017-01-08) e-mail
John Wondowski (OBC Member since 2019-10-03) e-mail
Terry Woods (OBC Member since 1991-08-15) e-mail
Kevin Lohse
John Ball III
David Kolenda
Bob "ZZ" Miller
Terry Dietrick
Ryan Distelrath
Kent Montgomery
Scott Earle
Rich Niessen
Matt Yudt
Chuck Paris
Wade Conway
Frank Thomas
Stewart Orzoff
George Moore
Mike Glasser
OBC - Old Baseball Cards
E-mail Groups Information
E-mail Groups (Updated 08/03/2021)
The following is a summary of email groups, rules and etiquette. For the complete list, please see the ROC.
In order to receive emails from the group and stay in communication you must get set up on the e-mail groups, which are currently hosted on Google Groups. One of the OBC-AC moderators will make the final approval of your group application.
Note: you do NOT have to have a gmail address to join a Google Group, but you WILL need a Google Account. Learn how at the Google Account page.
The OBC Advisory Committee prohibits the discussion of political, religious, or socially disruptive topics in any of the OBC Google email groups.
Members should restrict their posts to a single email group; there is no reason to send the same message to multiple groups.
All postings should include the first and last names of the poster.
If a member needs to be added to a group, please email the Webmaster.
First a few words about the email groups that are sanctioned by OBC:
All OBC members MUST be set up in this group as official notifications from the OBCAC and others are posted here.
Vintage Thanks!forum/vintage-thanks
This group is used to thank members for everything and anything vintage. Posting thanks is a courtesy that everyone in the group appreciates and it serves as a way to let everyone know of others generosity. Please note that this group is used to post appreciation for VINTAGE items considered 1980 and earlier. Getting set up on in this group is not required but it is highly recommended.
This group is used to share stories, post concerns, smack talk and for general messages. Basically, this is where we "chew the fat". Getting set up on this group is not required but it is recommended.
Want Lists, Waivers, Wauctions, & Tradeables (aka Wantlist)!forum/obc-wantlists
This group is used to post trading card needs, "waiver wires", items that you have to send out (also Wauctions), or cards you would like to put up for trade. Postings in this email group can often spark incoming cardboard so be prepared. Please note that this email group is used to post want lists for VINTAGE items considered 1980 and earlier and that it is not used to sell items you may be selling. Getting set up on this group is not required but it is recommended.
UV Lists!forum/uv-lists
This group is used to discuss everything and anything about cards that were produced after 1980. Posting thanks, ramblings and want lists are routine in this group and it is used by those who have an interest in newer materials. OBC is an organization based on our love of "old baseball cards" but this medium allows an outlet for those in the group who also enjoy UV material. If you plan on "chatting" about Post 1980 material this is the place to do it and not the Ramblings group that is reserved for VINTAGE conversations. Getting set up on this group is only recommended for those who wish to discuss newer material.
This group is used for discussion, tips and hints for the annual National Sports Cards Collectors Convention.
This group is for OBC members to offer cards for sale to other OBC members.
Virtual Card Store!forum/obc-virtual-card-store
This group is for OBC-Certified Dealers (and other dealers approved by the OBCAC) to offer cards for sale to OBC members. Other than intial offerings, all communication between the seller and potential buyers shall be by private e-mail.
For more details about the rules and guidelines for the above groups, please go to each group's Google Groups home page.
Now that you have an overview of the email groups you need to get set up on the email group mailing lists. Please decide the groups that interest you and go to these links, once there find the join group tab and click it, then let an OBCAC member know which group(s) you'd like to join. You will then be either sent an invitation to join, or directly added to the groups.
Repeat this process for every group you wish to receive messages from and remember that you MUST be signed up for the ANNOUNCEMENTS group. If you have questions or problems with this process contact any OBC-AC member.
GOOD LUCK and don't be afraid to ask questions if you have any problems getting yourself set up.
OBC: A Tradition of Excellence since 1991
Old Baseball Cards (OBC), copyright © 1991 -
Unauthorized use of the material contained
on this page is strictly prohibited.