Abyssinian Roller
Amandava Araguira Audubon's Warbler Azuvert Bell Bird Bengali Black-Breasted Barbet Blue Bullfinch Brazilian Tanager Brown Trasher Canary Bird Chinese Bulbul Crested Malimbus Crested Sparactes Emeu Wren Golden Oriole Huia Indigo Birdon Java Grosbeak Kinglet Linnet Madagascar Grosbeak Mariposa Maryland Yellow-Throat | Mino Bird
Nightingale Orchard Oriole Painting Bunting Parrot Finch Pastor Persian Starling Pine Grosbeak Piping Crow-Shrike Pompadour Purple-Breasted Wood Robin Red-Headed Bunting Rose-Breasted Grosbeak Rose-Breasted Wood Robin Saddle-Back Scarlet Finch Sepoy Finch Shaft-Tailed Bunt Singing Honey-Eater Stitch Bird Swallow Dicaeum Thrush Troupial Whistling Thrush Yellow-Head |
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