1 1958 LSU National 2 Abe Mickal 3 Carlos Carson 4 Charles Alexander 5 Steve Ensminger 6 Ken Kavanaugh Sr. 7 Bert Jones 8 David Woodley 9 Jerry Marchand 10 Clyde Lindsey 11 James Britt 12 Warren Rabb 13 Mike Hillman 14 Nelson Stokley 15 Abner Wimberly 16 Terry Robiskie 17 Steve Van Buren 18 Doug Moreau 19 George Tarasovic 20 Billy Cannon 21 Jerry Stovall 22 Joe Labruzzo 23 Mickey Mangham 24 Craig Burns 25 Y.A. Tittle 26 Wendell Harris 27 Leroy Labat 28 Hokie Gajan 29 Mike Williams 30 Sammy Grezaffi 31 Clinton Burrell 32 Orlando McDaniel 33 George Bevan 34 Johnny Robinson | 35 Billy Masters 36 J.W. Brodnax 37 Tommy Casanova 38 Fred Miller 39 George Rice 40 Earl Gros 41 Lynn LeBlanc 42 Jim Taylor 43 Joe Tuminello 44 Tommy Davis 45 Alvin Dark 46 Richard Picou 47 Chaille Percy 48 John Garlington 49 Mike Morgan DE 50 CharlesBo) Strange 51 Max Fugler 52 Don Schwab 53 Dennis Gaubatz 54 Jimmy Field 55 Warren Capone 56 Albert Richardson 57 Charley Cusiman 58 Brad Davis 59 GaynellGus) Kinchen 60 RoyMoonie) Winston 61 Mike Anderson 62 Jesse Fatherree 63 Gene%%Red~ Knight 64 Tyler LaFauci 65 Emile Fournet 66 Gaynell%%Gus~ Tinsley 67 Remi Prudhomme 68 Marvin Moose Stewart | 69 Jerry Guillot 70 Steve Cassidy 71 Bo Harris 72 Robert Dugas 73 Malcolm Scott 74 CharlesPinky) Rohm 75 Gerald Keigley 76 Don Alexander 77 A.J. Duhe 78 Ron Estay 79 John Wood 80 Andy Hamilton 81 Jay Michaelson 82 Kenny Konz 83 Tracy Porter 84 Billy Truax 85 Alan Risher 86 John Adams 87 Tommy Neck 88 Brad Boyd 89 Greg LaFleur 90 Bill Elko 91 Binks Miciotto 92 Lew Sibley 93 Willie Teal 94 Lyman White 95 Chris Williams 96 Sid Fournet 97 Leonard Marshall 98 Ramsey Dardar 99 Ken Bordelon 100 FredSkinny) Hall |
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