1 Walter Boles 2 Clarence Brooks 3 James Byrnes 4 James Crabb 5 Frank Dillon 6 Milton Driscoll 7 George Ellis 8 Warren Gill 9 Claire Goodwin 10 John Halla 11 Ivon Howard 12 Charles Jackson 13 Ernest Johnson 14 Harl Maggart 15 George Metzger 16 Charles Moore 17 William Page 18 Madison Perritt 19 Brown Rogers 20 Jack Ryan 21 William Tozer 22 Michael Wotell 23 Ody Abbott 24 Harry Ables 25 Jesse Becker 26 Tyler Christian 27 Robert Clemons 28 Al Cook 29 Bert Coy 30 Joseph Crisp 31 L. Gardner 32 Howard Gregory 33 William Grey 34 Arthur Guest 35 August Hetling 36 Teddy Kaylor 37 John Killilay 38 William Leard 39 Claude Lohman 40 William Malarkey 41 Carl Mitze 42 John Ness 43 Roy Parkin 44 William Pearce 45 Henry Pernoll 46 Ashley Pope 47 Charles Pruitt 48 William Rohrer 49 George Schirm 50 Elmer Zacher | 51 Claude Berry 52 Alexander Carson 53 Chester Chadbourne 54 Fred Derrick 55 Walter Doane 56 August Fisher 57 Justin Fitzgerald 58 Zeriah Hagerman 59 Harry Heilmann Actually playing with Portland 60 Irving Higginbotham 61 William James 62 Arthur Kores 63 Eugene Krapp 64 Harry Krause 65 Arthur Krueger 66 William Lindsay 67 Elmer Lober 68 Michael McCormick 69 Walter McCredie 70 James Riordan 71 Wilbur Rodgers 72 John Stanley 73 Harry Todd 74 James West 75 Frank Arellanes 76 John Bliss 77 Harry Cheek 78 Louis Drucke 79 Edward Hallinan 80 William Kenworthy 81 Albert Klawitter 82 James Lewis 83 Henry Lively 84A Hugh Miller Full Glove 84B Hugh Miller Part Glove 85 Roy Moran 86 Emmett Munsell 87 Paul Reitmyer 88 Joseph Schulz 89 James Shinn 90 Monroe Stark 91 Ralph Stroud 92 Thomas Tennant 93 Edward Van Buren 94 John Williams 95 Harry Wolverton 96 Ralph Young 97 Alex Arlett 98 Jesse Baker 99 William Cadreau | 100 Walter Cartwright 101 Raymond Charles 102 Jay Clarke 103 Roy Corhan 104 Frank De Canniere 105 Phillip Douglass 106 Jerome Downs 107 Charles Fanning 108 Clarence Henley 109 Harry Hoffman 110 William Hogan 111 George Howard 112 Harry Hughes 113 James Johnston 114 Albert Leifield 115 Harry McArdle 116 George McCarl 117 William McCorry 118 Howard Mundorf 119 Orval Overall 120 Walter Schaller 121 Walter Schmidt 122 Louis Sepulveda 123 Edward Spenger 124 Alfred Stanridge 125 Forrest Thomas 126 Charles Tonneman 127 Joseph Wagner 128 John Wuffli 129 Everette Zimmerman 130 Charles Baum 131 Harry Bayless 132 John Brackenridge 133 Roy Brashear 134 Walter Carlisle 135 Harold Elliott 136 Roy Hitt 137 Wallace Hogan 138 Franz Hosp 139 John Kane 140 Elmer Koestner 141 Ralph Kreitz 142 Louis Litschi 143 Clarence McDonnell 144 Paul Meloan 145 Joseph O'Rourke 146 Hamilton Patterson 147 John Raleigh 148 Charles Sterritt |
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