1 Leon Ames 2 Jimmy Archer 3 Jimmy Austin 4 Frank Baker 5 Cy Barger 6 Jack Barry 7 Johnny Bates 8 Beals Becker 9 Chief Bender 10 Bob Bescher 11 Joe Birmingham 12 Walter Blair 13 Roger Breshnahan 14 Al Bridwell 15 Mordecai Brown 16 Robert Byrne 17 Howie Camnitz 18 Bill Carrigan 19 Frank Chance 20 Hal Chase Identified as Hal Chase 21 Hal Chase Indentified only as Chase 22 Eddie Cicotte 23 Fred Clarke 24 Ty Cobb 25 Eddie Collins Mouth Open 26 Eddie Collins Mouth Closed 27 Doc Crandall 28 Bill Dahlen 29 Jake Daubert 30 Jim Delahanty 31 Josh Devore 32 Red Dooin 33 Mike Doolan 34 Tom Downey 35 Larry Doyle 36 Joe Egan 37 Kid Elberfeld 38 Clyde Engle 39 Steve Evans | 40 Johnny Evers 41 Ray Fisher 42 Art Fletcher 43 Russ Ford White Cap 44 Russ Ford Dark Cap 45 Arthur Fromme 46 George Gibson 47 William Goode 48 Eddie Grant 49 Clark Griffith 50 Bob Groom 51 Bob Harmon 52 Arnold Hauser 53 Buck Herzog 54 Doc Hoblitzell 55 Miller Huggins 56 John Hummel 57 Hugh Jennings Mgr 58 Walter Johnson 59 Davy Jones 60 William Killifer 61 Ed Konetchy 62 John Knight 63 Frank La Porte 64 Tommy Leach 65 Ed Lennox 66 Hans Lobert 67 Bris Lord 68 Sherry Magee 69 Rube Marquard 70 Christy Mathewson 71 George McBride 72 John McGraw Mgr 73 Larry McLean 74 Chief Meyers 75 Fred Merkle 76 Clyde Milan 77 Dots Miller 78 Michael Mitchell | 79 Pat Moran 80 George Moriarty 81 George Mullin 82 Danny Murphy 83 Jack Murray 84 Tom Needham 85 Rebel Oakes 86 Rube Oldring 87 Freddy Parent 88 Dode Paskert 89 Jack Quinn 90 Ed Reulbach 91 Lewis Ritchie 92 John A. Rowan 93 Nap Rucker 94 Germany Schaefer 95 Fred Schulte 96 Jim Scott 97 Fred Snodgrass 98 Tris Speaker 99 Oscar Stanage 100 George Stovall 101 George Suggs 102 Jeff Sweeney 103 Ira Thomas 104 Joe Tinker 105 Terry Turner 106 Hippo Vaughn 107 Heinie Wagner 108 Bobby Wallace With Cap 109 Bobby Wallace No Cap 110 Ed Walsh 111 Zach Wheat 112 Kaiser Wilhelm 113 Ed Willett 114 J. Owen Wilson 115 Hooks Wiltse 116 Joe Wood |
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