1 Chas. B. Adams 2 Grover C. Alexander 3 James Bagby 4 J. Frank Baker 5 David Bancroft 6 Walter Barbare 7 Turner Barber 8 Clyde Barnhart 9 John Bassler 10 Carlson L. Bigbee 11 Ray Blades 12 Sam Bohne 13 James Bottomley 14 Geo. Burns Cinn portrait 15 Geo. J. Burns New York NL 16 George Burns Boston AL 17 George Burns Cleveland 18 Joe Bush 19 Owen Bush 20 Leon Cadore 21 Max G. Carey 22 Jim Caveney 23 Dan Clark 24 Ty R. Cobb 25 Eddie T. Collins 26 John Collins 27 Wilbur Cooper 28 Stanley Coveleskie (sic) Coveleski 29 Walton E. Cruse (sic) Cruise 30 George Cutshaw 31 Dave Danforth 32 Jacob E. Daubert 33 George Dauss 34 Charles A. Deal 35 Bill Doak Brooklyn 36 Bill Doak St. Louis NL 37 Joe Dugan Boston AL 38 Joe A. Dugan New York AL 39 Joe A. Dugan Philadelphia AL 40 Pat Duncan 41 James Dykes 42 Howard J. Ehmke Boston AL 43 Howard Ehmke Detroit with border 44 Wm. Evans Umpire 45 U. C. Red Faber 46 Bib Falk 47 Dana Fillingim 48 Ira Flagstead Boston AL 49 A. Fletcher 50 J. F. Fournier Brooklyn 51 J. F. Fournier St. Louis NL 52 Howard Freigau 53 Frank F. Frisch 54 C. E. Galloway 55 W. L. Gardner Cleveland 56 Joe Genewich 57 Wally Gerber 58 Mike Gonzales 59 H. M. 'Hank' Gowdy 60 H. M. 'Hank' Gowdy 61 Burleigh A. Grimes 62 Ray Grimes 63 Charles Grimm 64 Heinie Groh Cincinnati 65 Heinie Groh New York NL | 66 Jesse Haines 67 Chas. L. Hartnett 68 George Harper 69 Sam Harris 70 Slim Harris 71 Clifton Heathcote 72 Harry Heilmann 73 Andy High 74 George Hildebrand UMP 75 Walter L. Holke Boston NL 76 Walter L. Holke Philadelphia NL 77 Chas. J. Hollicher (sic) Hollocher 78 Rogers Hornsby 79 Wilbert Hubbell 80 Bill Jacobson 81 Charles D. Jamieson 82 E. R. Johnson 83 James H. Johnston 84 Walter P. Johnson 85 Sam P. Jones 86 Joe Judge 87 Willie Kamm 88 Tony Kaufman 89 George L. Kelly 90 Dick Kerr 91 William L. Killefer 92 Bill Klem UMP 93 Ed Konetchy 94 John 95 Dudley Lee 96 Nemo Leibold Boston AL 97 Nemo Leibold Washington with border 98 Adolph Luque 99 Walter Mails 100 Geo. Maisel 101 Walt. J. Maranville 102 W. C. Wid Matthews 103 Carl W. Mays 104 John McGraw 105 J. Stuffy McInnis Boston AL 106 J. Stuffy McInnis Boston NL 107 Lee Meadows 108 Clyde Milan 109 Ed Bing Miller 110 Hack Miller 111 George Moriarty UMP 112 Johnny Morrison 113 John A. Mostil 114 Robert Meusel 115 Harry Myers 116 Rollie C. Naylor 117 A. Earl Neale 118 Arthur Nehf 119 Joe Oeschger 120 Ivan M. Olson 121 Geo. O'Neil 122 S. F. O'Neil (sic) O'Neill 123 J. F. O'Neill 124 Ernest Padgett 125 Roger Peckinpaugh New York ALwith border 126 Peckinpaugh Washington 127 Ralph (Cy) Perkins 128 Val Picinich Boston AL 129 Val Picinich Washington 130 Bill Piercy light background | 131 Bill Piercy dark background 132 Herman Pillett 133 Wally Pipp 134 Raymond R. Powell light background 135 Raymond R. Powell dark background 136 Del Pratt Detroit 137 Derrill Pratt Boston AL 138 Joe (Goldie) Rapp 139 Walter Reuther 140 Edgar S. Rice 141 Cy Rigler UMP 142 E. E. Rigney 143 Jimmy Ring 144 Eppa Rixey 145 Chas. Robertson 146 Eddie Rommel 147 Muddy Ruel 148 Babe Ruth 149 Babe Ruth with border 150 J. H. Sand 151 Ray W. Schalk 152 Wallie Schang 153 Everett Scott Boston AL 154 Everett Scott New York AL 155 Harry Severeid 156 Joseph Sewell 157 H. S. Shanks photo actually Wally Schang 158 Earl Sheely 159 Urban Shocker 160 Al Simmons 161 George H. Sisler 162 Earl Smith New York NL with border 163 Earl Smith New York NL 2/3 shot 164 Elmer Smith Boston AL 165 Jack Smith 166 R. E. Smith 167 Sherrod Smith Brooklyn 168 Sherrod Smith Cleveland 169 Frank Snyder 170 Allan Sothoron 171 Tris Speaker 172 Arnold Statz 173 Casey Stengel 174 J. R. Stevenson 175 Milton Stock 176 James Tierney Boston NL 177 James Tierney Pittsburgh 178 John Tobin 179 George Toporcer 180 Robert Veach 181 Clar. Tillie Walker 182 Curtis Walker 183 Aaron Ward 184 Zack D. Wheat 185 Geo. B. Whitted 186 Cy Williams 187 Kenneth R. Williams 188 Ivy B. Wingo 189 Joe Wood 190 L. Woodall 191 Russell G. Wrightstone 192 Moses Yellowhorse 193 Ross Youngs |
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