1 Gus Albert 2 Charles Alcott 3 Alexander 4 Myron Allen 5 Bob Allen 6 Uncle Bill Alvord 7 Varney Anderson 8 Ed Andrews: Phila. 9 Ed Andrews and Buster Hoover 10 Wally Andrews 11 Bill Annis 12A Cap Anson: Chicago In uniform 12B Cap Anson: Chicago Not in uniform 13 Old Hoss Ardner 14 Tug Arundel: Indianapolis-Whites 15 Jersey Bakley: Cleve. 16 Clarence Baldwin: Cincinnati 17 Mark Fido Baldwin: Chicago-Columbus 18 Lady Baldwin: Detroit 19 James Banning: Wash. 20 Samuel Barkley: Pittsburgh-K. C. 21 Bald Billy Barnie: Mgr. Baltimore 22 Charles Bassett: Indianapolis-N. Y. 23 Charles Bastian: Phila.-Chicago 24 Charles Bastian and Schriver: Philadelphia 25 Ebenezer Beatin: Cleve. 26 Jake Beckley: Eagle Eye Whites-Pittsburgh 27 Stephen Behel Spotted Tie 28 Charles Bennett: Detroit-Boston 29 Louis Bierbauer: A's 30 Louis Bierbauer and Robert Gamble: Athletics 31 Bill Bishop: Pittsburgh-Syracuse 32 William Blair: A's-Hamiltons 33 Ned Bligh: Columbus 34 Bogart: Indianapolis 35 Boyce: Washington 36 Jake Boyd: Maroons 37 Honest John Boyle: St. Louis-Chicago 38 Handsome Henry Boyle Indianapolis-N. Y. 39 Nick Bradley: K. C.- Worchester 40 George Grin Bradley Sioux City 41 Stephen Brady Spotted Tie 42 E. L. Breckinridge: Sacramento PCL 43 Timothy Brosnan: Minneapolis 44 Timothy Brosnan Sioux City 45 Cal Broughton: St. Paul 46 Big Dan Brouthers: Detroit-Boston 47 Thomas Brown: Pittsburgh-Boston 48 California Brown: New York 49 Pete Browning: Gladiator Louisville 50 Charles Brynan: Chicago-Des Moines 51 Al Buckenberger MG: Columbus 52 Dick Buckley: Indianapolis-N. Y. 53 Charles Buffington: Philadelphia 54 Ernest Burch: Brooklyn-Whites 55 Bill Burdick: Omaha-Indianapolis 56 Black Jack Burdock: Boston-Brooklyn 57 Robert Burks: Sioux City 58 George Burnham Watch Mgr. Indianapolis 59 Burns: Omaha 60 Jimmy Burns: K. C. 61 Tommy Oyster Burns Baltimore-Brooklyn 62 Thomas E. Burns: Chicago 63 Doc Bushong: Brook. 64 Doc Bushong: Browns Champs 65 Patsy Cahill: Ind. 66 Count Campau: Kansas City-Detroit 67 Jimmy Canavan: Omaha 68 Bart Cantz: Whites-Baltimore 69 Handsome Jack Carney Washington 70 Hick Carpenter Cincinnati 71 Cliff Carroll: Wash. 72 Scrappy Carroll: St. Paul-Chicago 73 Frederick Carroll: Pitts. 74 Jumbo Cartwright: Kansas City-St. Joe 75 Bob Caruthers: Parisian Brooklyn 76 Bob Caruthers: Parisian Browns Champs 77 Daniel Casey: Phila. 78 Icebox Chamberlain: St. Louis 79 Cupid Childs: Phila.-Syracuse 80 Bob Clark: Washington 81 Owen Clark: Washington 82 Clarke and Mickey Hughes: Brooklyn Horizontal 83 William Dad Clarke: Chicago-Omaha 84 Pete Connell: Des Moines 85 John Clarkson: Chicago-Boston 86 Jack Clements: Philadelphia 87 Elmer Cleveland: Omaha-New York 88 Monk Cline: K. C.-Sioux City 89 Cody: Des Moines 90 John Coleman: Pittsburgh - A's 91 Bill Collins: New York-Newark 92 Hub Collins: Louisville-Brooklyn 93 Charles Comiskey: Browns Champs 94 Commy Comiskey: St. Louis-Chicago 95 Roger Connor: Script 96 Roger Connor: New York 97 Richard Conway: Boston-Worchester 98 Peter Conway: Det.-Pitts.-Ind. 99 James Conway: K. C. 100 Paul Cook: Louisville 101 Jimmy Cooney: Omaha-Chicago 102 Larry Corcoran: Indianapolis-London 103 Pop Corkhill: Cincinnnati-Brooklyn 104 Cannon Ball Crane: New York 105 Samuel Crane: Wash. 106 Jack Crogan: Maroons 107 John Crooks: Whites-Omaha 108 Lave Cross: Louisville-A's-Phila. 109 Bill Crossley: Milw. 110 Joe Crotty Spotted Tie 111 Joe Crotty: Sioux City 112 Billy Crowell: Cleveland-St. Joe 113 Jim Cudworth: St. Louis-Worchester 114 Bert Cunningham: Baltimore-Phila. 115 Tacks Curtis: St. Joe 116 Ed Cushman Spotted Tie 117 Ed Cushman: Toledo 118 Tony Cusick: Mil. 119 Vincent Dailey: Oakland PCL 120 Edward Dailey: Phil.-Wash.-Columbus 121 Edward Dailey: Columbus 122 Bill Daley: Boston 123 Con Daley: Boston-Indianapolis 124 Abner Dalrymple: Pittsburgh-Denver 125 Tom Daly: Chicago-Wash.-Cleve. 126 James Daly: Minn. 127 Law Daniels: K. C. 128 Dell Darling: Chicago 129 Wm. Darnbrough: Denver 130 D. Davin: Milwaukee 131 Jumbo Davis: K. C. 132 Pat Dealey: Wash 133 Thomas Deasley: New York-Washington Throwing 134 Thomas Deasley Fielding 135 Edward Decker: Phil. 136 Big Ed Delahanty: Philadelphia 137 Jeremiah Denny: Indianapolis-New York 138 James Devlin: St. L. 139 Thomas Dolan: Whites-St. Louis-Denver 140 Jack Donahue: San Francisco PCL 141 James Donahue Spotted Tie 142 James Donahue: K. C. 143 James Donnelly: Washington 144 Charles Dooley: Oakland PCL 145 J. Doran: Omaha 146 Michael Dorgan: N. Y. 147 Cornelius Doyle: San Fran. PCL 148 Homerun Duffe: St. L. 149 Hugh Duffy: Chicago 150 Dan Dugdale: Maroons-Minneapolis 151 Duck Duke: Minn. 152 Sure Shot Dunlap: Pittsburgh 153 J. Dunn: Maroons 154 Jesse Cyclone Duryea St. Paul-Cinc. 155 John Dwyer: Chicago-Maroons 156 Billy Earle: Cincinnati-St. Paul 157 Buck Ebright: Wash. 158 Red Ehret: Louisville 159 R. Emmerke: Des Moines 160 Dude Esterbrook: Louisville-Ind.-New York 161 Henry Esterday: K. C.-Columbus 162 Long John Ewing: Louisville-N. Y. 163 Buck Ewing: New York 164 Buck Ewing and Mascot: New York 165 Jay Faatz: Cleveland 166 Clinkgers Fagan: Kansas City-Denver 167 William Farmer: Pittsburgh-St. Paul 168 Sidney Farrar: Philadelphia 169 John Moose Farrell: Wash.-Baltimore 170 Charles Duke Farrell Chicago 171 Frank Fennelly: Cincinnati-A's 172 Chas. Ferguson: Phila. 173 Colonel Ferson: Washington 174 Wallace Fessenden: Umpire National 175 Jocko Fields: Pitts. 176 Fischer: Maroons 177 Thomas Flanigan: Cleve.-Sioux City 178 Silver Flint: Chicago 179 Thomas Flood: St. Joe 180 Flynn: Omaha 181 James Fogarty: Philadelphia 182 Frank Monkey Foreman Baltimore-Cinc. 183 Thomas Forster: Milwaukee-Hartford 184 Elmer E. Foster Spotted Tie 185 Elmer Foster: New York-Chicago 186 F. W. Foster Spotted Tie (sic) T. W. Forster 187 Scissors Foutz: Browns Champ 188 Scissors Foutz: Brooklyn 189 Julie Freeman: St. L.-Milwaukee 190 Will Fry: St. Joe 191 Fred Fudger: Oakland PCL | 192 William Fuller: Milwaukee 193 Shorty Fuller: St. Louis 194 Christopher Fullmer: Baltimore 195 Christopher Fullmer and Tom Tucker: Baltimore Horizontal 196 Honest John Gaffney: Mgr. Washington 197 Pud Galvin: Pitts. 198 Robert Gamble: A's 199 Charles Ganzel: Detroit-Boston 200 Frank Gid Gardner: Phila.-Washington 201 Gid Gardner and Miah Murray: Washington Horizontal 202 Hank Gastreich: Columbus 203 Emil Geiss: Chicago 204 Frenchy Genins: Sioux City 205 William George: N. Y. 206 Move Up Joe Gerhardt All Star-Jersey City 207 Pretzels Getzein: Detroit-Ind. 208 Lee Gibson: A's 209 Robert Gilks: Cleve. 210 Pete Gillespie: N. Y. 211 Barney Gilligan Washington-Detroit 212 Frank Gilmore: Wash. 213 Pebbly Jack Glasscock Indianapolis-N. Y. 214 Kid Gleason: Phila. 215 Brother Bill Gleason A's-Louisville 216 William Bill Gleason Browns Champs 217 Mouse Glenn: Sioux City 218 Michael Goodfellow: Cleveland-Detroit 219 George Gore Pianolegs New York 220 Frank Graves: Minn. 221 William Greenwood: Baltimore-Columbus 222 Michael Greer: Cleveland-Brooklyn 223 Mike Griffin: Baltimore-Phila NL 224 Clark Griffith: Milwaukee 225 Henry Gruber: Cleve. 226 Addison Gumbert: Chicago-Boston 227 Thomas Gunning: Philadelphia-A's 228 Joseph Gunson: K. C. 229 George Haddock: Washington 230 William Hafner: K. C. 231 Willie Hahm: Chicago Mascot 232 William Hallman: Philadelphia 233 Billy Hamilton: Kansas City-Phila. 234 Willie Hamm and Ned Williamson: Chicago 235 Frank Hankinson: Spotted Tie 236 Frank Hankinson: Kansas City 237 Ned Hanlon: Det.-Boston-Pitts. 238 William Hanrahan: Maroons-Minn. 239 A. G. Hapeman: Sacramento PCL 240 Pa Harkins: Brooklyn-Baltimore 241 William Hart: Cinc.-Des Moines 242 Wm. Hasamdear: K. C. 243 Colonel Hatfield: New York 244 Egyptian Healey: Wash.-Indianapolis 245 Egyptian Healey Washington 246 J. C. Healy: Omaha-Denver 247 Guy Hecker: Louisville 248 Tony Hellman: Sioux City 249 Hardie Henderson: Brook.-Pitts.-Balt. 250 Hardie Henderson and Michael Greer: Brooklyn 251 Moxie Hengle: Maroons-Minneapolis 252 John Henry: Phila. 253 Edward Herr: Whites-Milwaukee 254 Hunkey Hines: Whites 255 Paul Hines: Wash.-Indianapolis 256 Texas Wonder Hoffman: Denver 257 Eddie Hogan: Cleve. 258 William Holbert Spotted Tie 259 William Holbert: Brooklyn-Mets-Jersey City 260 James Bugs Holliday: Des Moines-Cinc. 261 Charles Hoover: Maroons-Chi.-K. C. 262 Buster Hoover: Phila.-Toronto 263 Jack Horner: Milwaukee-New Haven 264 Jack Horner and E. H. Warner: Milwaukee 265 Michael Horning: Boston-Balt.-N. Y. 266 Pete Hotaling: Cleveland 267 William Howes: Minn..-St. Paul 268 Dummy Hoy: Washington 269 Nat Hudson: Browns Champ 270 Nat Hudson: St. Louis 271 Mickey Hughes: Brk. 272 Hungler: Sioux City 273 Wild Bill Hutchinson: Chicago 274 John Irwin: Wash.-Wilkes Barre 275 Cutrate Irwin: Phila.-Boston-Wash. 276 A. C. Jantzen: Minn. 277 Frederick Jevne: Minn.-St. Paul 278 John Johnson: K. C.-Columbus 279 Richard Johnston: Boston 280 Jordan Minneapolis 281 Heinie Kappell: Columbus-Cincinnati 282 Sir Timothy Keefe: New York 283 Tim Keefe and Danny Richardson: Stealing 2nd Bas 284 George Keefe: Wash. 285 James Keenan: Cinc. 286 Mike King Kelly $10000 Chic-Boston 287 Honest John Kelly: Mgr. Louisville 288 Kelly: Umpire Western Association 289 Charles Kelly: Philadelphia 290 Kelly and Powell: Umpire and Manager Sioux City 291 Rudolph Kemmler: Browns Champ 292 Rudolph Kemmler: St. Paul 293 Theodore Kennedy: Des Moines-Omaha 294 J. J. Kenyon: Whites-Des Moines 295 John Kerins: Louisville 296 Matthew Kilroy: Baltimore-Boston 297 Charles King: St. L.-Chi. 298 Aug. Kloff: Minn.-St. Joe 299 William Klusman: Milwaukee-Denver 300 Phillip Knell: St. Joe-Phila. 301 Fred Knouf: St. Louis 302 Charles Kremmeyer: Sacramento PCL 303 William Krieg: Wash.-St. Joe-Minn. 304 William Krieg and Aug. Kloff: Minneapolis 305 Gus Krock: Chicago 306 Willie Kuehne: Pittsburgh 307 Frederick Lange: Maroons 308 Ted Larkin: A's 309 Arlie Latham: Browns Champ 310 Arlie Latham: St. Louis-Chicago 311 John Lauer: Pittsburgh 312 John Leighton: Omaha 313 Rube Levy: San Fran. PCL 314 Tom Loftus MG: Whites-Cleveland 315 Herman Germany Long Maroons-K. C. 316 Danny Long: Oak. PCL 317 Tom Lovett: Omaha-Brooklyn 318 Bobby Link Lowe: Milwaukee 319 Jack Lynch Spotted Tie 320 John Lynch: All Stars 321 Dennis Lyons: A's 322 Harry Lyons: St. L. 323 Connie Mack: Wash. 324 Joe Reddie Mack: Louisville 325 James Little Mack Macullar: Des Moines-Milwauk 326 Kid Madden: Boston 327 Daniel Mahoney: St. Joe 328 Willard Grasshopper Maines: St. Paul 329 Fred Mann: St. Louis-Hartford 330 Jimmy Manning: K. C. 331 Charles Lefty Marr: Col.-Cinc. 332 Mascot Willie Breslin: New York 333 Samuel Maskery: Milwaukee-Des Moines 334 Bobby Mathews: A's 335 Michael Mattimore: New York-A's 336 Albert Maul: Pitts. 337 Albert Mays Spotted Tie 338 Albert Mays: Columbus 339 James McAleer: Cleveland 340 Thomas McCarthy: Phila.-St. Louis 341 John McCarthy: K. C. 342 James McCauley: Maroons-Phila. 343 William McClellan: Brooklyn-Denver 344 John McCormack: Whites 345 Big Jim McCormick: Chicago-Pittsburgh 346 Mc Creachery: Mgr. Indianapolis 347 James Chippy McGarr: St. Louis-K. C. 348 Jack McGeachy: Ind. 349 John McGlone: Cleveland-Detroit 350 James Deacon McGuire Phila.-Toronto 351 Bill McGunnigle: Mgr. Brooklyn 352 Ed McKean: Cleveland 353 Alex McKinnon: Pittsburgh 354 Thomas McLaughlin Spotted Tie 355 John Bid McPhee: Cincinnati 356 James McQuaid: Denver 357 John McQuaid: Umpire Amer. Assoc. 358 Jame McTamany: Brook.-Col.-K. C. 359 George McVey: Mil.-Denver-St. Joe 360 Peter Meegan San Fran. PCL 361 John Messitt: Omaha 362 George Doggie Miller Pittsburgh 363 Joseph Miller: Omaha-Minneapolis 364 Jocko Milligan: St. Louis-Phila. 365 E. L. Mills: Milwaukee 366 Minnehan: Minneapolis 367 Samuel Moffet: Ind. 368 Honest Morrell: Boston-Washington 369 Ed Morris Cannonball: Pittsburgh 370 Morrisey: St. Paul 371 Tony Count Mullane: Cincinnati 372 Joseph Mulvey: Philadelphia 373 P. L. Murphy: St. Paul 374 Pat J. Murphy: New York 375 Miah Murray: Wash. 376 James Truthful Mutrie: Mgr. N. Y. 377 George Myers: Indianapolis-Phila. 378 Al Cod Myers: Washington 379 Thomas Nagle: Omaha-Chi. 380 Billy Nash: Boston 381 Jack Candy Nelson: SPOT 382 Kid Nichols: Omaha 383 Samuel Nichols: Pittsburgh | 384 J. W. Nicholson Maroons-Minn. 385 Tom Nicholson Parson Whites-Cleveland 386 Nicholls Nicol Browns Champ 387 Hugh Nicol: Cinc. 388 Hugh Nicol and Long John Reilly: Cincinnati 389 Frederick Nyce Whites-Burlington 390 Doc Oberlander Cleveland-Syracuse 391 Jack O'Brien Brooklyn-Baltimore 392 William O'Brien: Washington 393 William O'Brien and John Irwin: Washington 394 Darby O'Brien: Brooklyn 395 John O'Brien: Cleve. 396 P. J. O'Connell: Omaha-Des Moines 397 John O'Connor: Cincinnati-Columbus 398 Hank O'Day: Washington-New York 399 O'Day Sacramento 400 James O'Neil: St. Louis-Chicago 401 James O'Neil: Browns Champs 402 Norris 403 Orator O'Rourke: New York 404 Thomas O'Rourke: Boston-Jersey City 405 David Orr Spotted Tie 406 David Orr: All Star-Brooklyn-Columbus 407 Parsons: Minneapolis 408 Owen Patton: Minn.-Des Moines 409 James Peeples: Brooklyn-Columbus 410 James Peeples and Hardie Henderson: Brooklyn 411 Hip Perrier: San Francisco PCL 412 Patrick Pettee: Milwaukee-London 413 Patrick Pettee and Bobby Lowe: Milwaukee 414 Dandelion Pfeffer: Chi. 415 Dick Phelan: Des Moines 416 William Phillips: Brooklyn-Kansas City 417 John Pickett: St. Paul-K. C.-Phila. 418 George Pinkney: Brooklyn 419 Thomas Poorman: A's-Milwaukee 420 Henry Porter: Brooklyn-Kansas City 421 James Powell: Sioux City 422 Tom Powers: San Francisco PCL 423 Bill Purcell: Blondie Baltimore-A's 424 Thomas Quinn: Baltimore 425 Joseph Quinn: Des Moines-Boston 426 Old Hoss Radbourne: Boston Portrait 427 Old Hoss Radbourne: Boston Non-portrait 428 Shorty Radford: Brooklyn-Cleveland 429 Tom Ramsey: Louisville 430 Rehse: Minneapolis 431 Long John Reilly: Cincinnati 432 Charles Reilly: Princeton St. Paul 433 Charles Reynolds: Kansas City 434 Hardie Richardson Detroit-Boston 435 Danny Richardson: New York 436 Charles Ripslager Spotted Tie 437 John Roach: New York 438 Wilbert Robinson Uncle Robbie: A's 439 M. C. Robinson: Minn. 440 Yank Robinson: St. Louis 441 Wm. Yank Robinson: Browns Champs 442 George Rooks: Maroons-Detroit 443 James Chief Roseman SPOT 444 Davis Rowe: Mgr. K. C.-Denver 445 Jack Rowe: Detroit-Pittsburgh 446 Amos Hoosier Thunderbolt Rusie: Ind.-New York 447 Amos Rusie New York 448 James Ryan: Chicago 449 Henry Sage: Des Moines-Toledo 450 Henry Sage and William Van Dyke: Des Moines-Tole 451 Sanders: Omaha 452 Al Ben Sanders: Philadelphia 453 Frank Scheibeck: Detroit 454 Albert Schellhase: St. Joseph 455 William Schenkle: Milwaukee 456 Bill Schildknecht: Des Moines-Milwaukee 457 Gus Pink Whiskers Schmelz Mgr. Cincinnati 458 Lewis Schoeneck Jumbo: Maroons-Indianapolis 459 Pop Schriver: Phila. 460 John Seery: Ind. 461 William Serad Cincinnnati-Toronto 462 Edward Seward: A's 463 George Orator Shafer Des Moines 464 Frank Shafer: St. Paul 465 Daniel Shannon: Omaha-L'ville-Phila. 466 William Sharsig: Mgr. Athletics 467 Samuel Shaw: Baltimore-Newark 468 John Shaw: Minneapolis 469 William Shindle: Baltimore-Phila. 470 George Shock: Wash. 471 Otto Shomberg: Ind. 472 Lev Shreve: Ind. 473 Ed Baldy Silch: Brooklyn-Denver 474 Michael Slattery: New York 475 Sam Skyrocket Smith: Louisville 476 John Phenomenal Smith Portrait 477 John Phenomenal Smith: Balt.-A's Non-portrait 478 Elmer Smith: Cincinnati 479 Fred Sam Smith: Des Moines 480 George Smith Germany Brooklyn 481 Pop Smith: Pitt.-Bos.-Phila. 482 Nick Smith: St. Joe 483 P. T. Somers: St. Louis 484 Joe Sommer: Balt. 485 Pete Sommers: Chicago-New York 486 William Sowders: Boston-Pittsburgh 487 John Sowders: St. Paul-Kansas City 488 Charles Sprague: Maroons-Chi.-Cleve. 489 Edward Sproat: Whites 490 Harry Staley: Whites-Pittsburgh 491 Daniel Stearns: Des Moines-K. C. 492 Billy Cannonball Stemmyer: Boston-Cleveland 493 B. F. Stephens: Milw. 494 John C. Sterling: Minneapolis 495 Leonard Stockwell S. F. PCL 496 Harry Stovey: A's-Boston 497 C. Scott Stratton: Louisville 498 Joseph Straus: Omaha-Milwaukee 499 John Cub Stricker: Cleveland 500 Marty Sullivan: Chicago-Ind. 501 Michael Sullivan: A's 502 Billy Sunday: Chicago-Pittsburgh 503 Sy Sutcliffe: Cleve. 504 Ezra Sutton: Boston-Milwaukee 505 Ed Cyrus Swartwood: Brook.-D. Moines-Ham. 506 Parke Swartzel: K. C. 507 Peter Sweeney: Wash. 508 Louis Sylvester Sacra. PCL 509 Ed Dimples Tate: Boston-Baltimore 510 Patsy Tebeau: Chi.-Cleve.-Minn. 511 John Tener: Chicago 512 Bill Adonis Terry: Brooklyn 513 Big Sam Thompson: Detroit-Philadelphia 514 Silent Mike Tiernan: New York 515 Ledell Titcomb: N. Y. 516 Phillip Tomney: Louisville 517 Stephen Toole: Brooklyn-K. C.-Rochester 518 George Townsend: A's 519 William Traffley: Des Moines 520 George Treadway: St. Paul-Denver 521 Samuel Trott: Baltimore-Newark 522 Sam Trott and Tommy Oyster Burns: Baltimore Horizontal 523 Tom Foghorn Tucker: Baltimore 524 William Tuckerman: St. Paul 525 Turner: Minneapolis 526 Lawrence Twitchell: Detroit-Cleveland 527 James Tyng: Phila. 528 William Van Dyke: Des Moines-Toledo 529 George Rip Van Haltren Chicago 530 Harry Vaughn: Farmer Louisville-New York 531 Peek-a-Boo Veach: St. Paul 532 Veach: Sacra. PCL 533 Leon Viau: Cincinnati 534 William Vinton: Minneapolis 535 Joseph Visner: Brooklyn 536 Christian Von Der Ahe Owner Browns Champs 537 Joseph Walsh: Omaha 538 John Monte Ward: New York 539 E. H. Warner: Milwaukee 540 William Watkins: Mgr. Detroit-Kansas City 541 Bill Weaver: Farmer Louisville 542 Charles Weber: Sioux City 543 George Weidman Stump: Detroit-New York 544 William Weidner: Columbus 545 Curtis Welch: Browns Champ 546 Curtis Welch: A's 547 Curtis Welch and Bill Gleason: Athletics 548 Smilin'Mickey Welch: All Star-New York 549 Jake Wells: K. C. 550 Frank Wells: Des Moines-Mil. 551 Joseph Werrick: Louisville-St. Paul 552 Milton Buck West: Minneapolis 553 Gus Cannonball Weyhing: A's 554 John Weyhing: Athletics-Columbus 555 Bobby Wheelock: Boston-Detroit 556 Whitacre: A's 557 Pat Whitaker: Balt. 558 Deacon White: Detroit-Pittsburgh 559 William White: Louisville 560 Jim Grasshopper Whitney: Wash.-Indianapolis 561 Arthur Whitney: Pittsburgh-New York 562 G. Whitney: St. Joseph 563 James Williams: Mgr. Cleveland 564 Ned Williamson: Chi. 565 Williamson and Mascot 566 C. H. Willis: Omaha 567 Walt Wilmot: Washington-Chicago 568 George Winkleman: Minneapolis-Hartford 569 Samuel Wise: Boston-Washington 570 William Wolf Chicken Louisville 571 George Dandy Wood: Philadelphia 572 Peter Wood: Phila. 573 Harry Wright: Mgr. Philadelphia 574 Charles Zimmer Chief Cleveland 575 Frank Zinn: Athletics |
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