To contact Joshua Levine, send email to
Okay is the ultimate wantlist. With a ton of time, money, and research I have put the ultimate Phillie wantlist together. Your job is to help me complete this. I know it looks daunting but you can do it! . Any condition is acceptable of course. The cards with "?" marks behind them are cards in the set but I am not quite sure if they are pictured as Phillies or not. The numbering system is consistent with my '97 SCD Standard Catalog and/or the '97 Beckett Almanac (#2). Many, if not most, of the sets are un-numbered so I provided the SCD or Beckett number and the name of the player. If there is no player name after the number then the card is, in fact, numbered. Anyone who helps me positively identify a pre-1990 Phillie set or single not on the list or solving one with a "?" mark will be rewarded. Same goes for anyone who can positively identify a player on the list as not being pictured as a Phillie. If it is not on this list I probably have it so e-mail and ask before you send anything please. Thanks, enjoy and take care-
Joshua Levine E-mail address:
'55 Armour Coins: Curt Simmons (don't need dark blue, red, light green or aqua).
'59 Armour Coins: Richie Ashburn (don’t need red, green, or blue).
'60 Armour Coins: Gene Conley (don't need yellow or orange).
1913 B-unc Cravats #'s: 5 Dooin.
1916 BF2 Felt Pennants: G. Alexander, D. Bancroft, J. Devore, F. Luderus, G. Cravath, D. Paskert,
Cheif Bender, P. Moran.
1936-37 BF3-Type One (player name and figure): Dolph Camilli, Chuck Klein
1936-37 BF3-Type Two (player name, team name, figure): Camilli and Wilson.
1936-37 BF3-Type Three (player name and team name): Camilli, Klein, Wilson
1936-37 BF3-Type Five (team name and emblem): Phillies (w/ Liberty Bell)
1936-37 BF3-Type Six (team nickname only) : Phillies and Phillies with Philadelphia on spine.
1987 Champion (Pep Boys, Big A, Carquest) #'s: 2 (Jeltz).
1967 Coke Caps Phillies #'s: P2,P5,P15,P16,P18.
1914 Cracker Jack #'s: 37, 47, 108.
1915 Cracker Jack #'s: 37, 45, 60, 92, 151, 172.
1914 D303 General Baking #'s: 17 (Doolan), 27 (Knabe), 29 (Lobert).
1920 D327 Holsum Bread #'s: Burns, Cravath, Donovan, Fletcher, Stengel, Williams.
1916 D329 Weil Baking #''s: 4, 10, 13, 18, 24, 29, 40, 45, 46, 53, 69, 95, 106, 114, 132, 136, 142, 170,
and 189.
1916 D-350-1 Standard Biscuit #'s:A. Fletcher(might be others–don’t need Chalmers, Good, Whitted,
1916 D381 Ferguson and Fleischmann #'s: Alexander, Bancroft, Becker, Burns, Byrne, Luderus, Paskert,
and Whitted.
1920 D381-1 Gassler's American Maid Bread #'s: Causey and Rawlings.
1955 Dairy Queen Statues #'s: 6 Ennis.
1967 Dexter Press (Coca-Cola) All-Stars #'s: #122-133, the following players: John Briggs, J. Callison, C. Dalrymple, D. Groat, L. Jackson, D. Lock, Cookie Rojas, Chris Short, T. Taylor, Bill White.
1968 Dexter Press (Coca-Cola-Postcards) All Stars #'s: Dick Allen.
1934 Diamond Match Co. Series 1(Silver Border, red(R), orange(O), green(G), blue(B)) #'s:
Allen(RO), Collins(R), Elliot(OB), Fullis (RO), Hansen(ROG), Hendrick (ROB), Oana(ROG), Schulmerich(RB), and Wilson(ROGB).
1935 Diamond Match Co. Series 3 Type 1 (name and team only on saddle-comes in red, blue, green (RBG)) #'s: Allen (R), Chiozza (B), Moore(RG), Jorgens(RBG), and Wilson(RG).
1936 Diamond Match Co. Series 3 Type 2 (name and team on both saddle and bio) #’s: Klein (red only)
1911 Diamond Gum Pins #'s: Dooin.
1980 Did You Know (Anderson) #’s: Ashburn, Mulcahay, and Callison.
'52 Dixie Lids #'s: 1 Ashburn and Ryan
'52 Dixie Lids Premiums #'s: 1 Ashburn
'53 Dixie Lids #'s: 1 Ashburn
'53 Dixie Lids Premiums #'s: 1 Ashburn
'54 Dixie Lids #'s: 1 Ashburn
1909 E-92 Croft's Candy #'s: 17 Dooin, 18 Doolan, 28 Knabe, and 32 Magee.
1909 E-92 Croft's Cocoa #'s: 17 Dooin, 18 Doolan, 25 Jacklitsch, and 32 Magee.
1909 E-92 Najda #'s: Jacklitsch and Magee.
1910 E-94 #'s: 2 Bates, 12 Doolan, Lobert, Moore.
1909-10 E-97 Briggs #'s: 4 Bransfield, 9 Doolan, 9b Dolan, 22 Moore(black and white are proofs).
1910 E-98 #'s: 13 Dooin (don’t need the green background).
1909 E-101 #'s: 32 Magee.
1910 E-103 Williams Caramels #'s: 12 Dooin.
1910 E-104 #'s: 3 Bates, 4a Bransfield(blank back), 4b Bransfield(Nadja back), 10a Grant (blank back),
10b Grant (Nadja back), 11 Jacklitsch, 15a Knabe (blank back), 15b Knabe (Nadja back), 18 Moore.
1910 E-105 Mello-Mint #'s: 18 Doolan, 25 Jacklitsch, 28 Knabe, and 32 Magee.
1903 E-107 Breisch Williams #'s: 40 Douglass, 41b Doyle, 54b Gleason, 58 Hallman, 98 Mitchell, 122 Sparks, 131 Thomas, and 147 Zimmer.
1922 E-120 American Caramel #'s: 14 Betts, 99 Hubbell, 120 Leslie.
1922 E-122 American Caramel #'s: 23 Donovan, 81 Rawlings(?), Walker, and 118 F. Williams.
1923 E-123 Curits Ireland #'s: 62 Henline, 63 Holke, Keenan, 128 Rapp, 132 Ring, 166 Walker,
and 172 Fred Williams.
1927 E-126 American Caramel #'s: 42.
1916 E-135 Collins-McCarthy #'s: 2, 12, 18, 23, 102, 128, 130, 139, and 188.
1927 E-210 York Caramel Type 1 #'s: 44.
1921-23 E-220 National Caramel #'s: 45 Henline, 50 Hubbell, 88 Ring.
1888 E-223 G&B Chewing Gum #'s: 8 Buffington and 23 Ferguson.
1914 E-224 Texas Tommy Type 1 #'s: 18 Dooin and and Knabe.
1921 E-253 #'s: 11 Meadows and 19 Williams.
1909-11 E-254 Colgan's Chips #'s: 18c Bates (white letters), 185b Rowan, 217 Titus.
1912 E-270 Colgan's Red Border #'s: 16 Bransfield, 32 Cravath, 40 Doolin, 42 Downey, 77 Killefer,
79 Knabe, 104 D. Miller, 117 Paskert, and 148 Titus.
1912 E-270 Colgan's Tin-Tops #'s: Donlin, 42 Dooin, 43 Doolan, Killefer, 88 Knabe, and 150 Titus.
1933 E-285 Rittenhouse #'s: 1 Bartell, 8 Collins, 14 S. Davis, 17 J. Elliot, 30 Hurst (jack of
diamonds), and 32 Klein.
1911 E-286 Ju-Ju Drums #'s: Cheek, Dooin, Walsh. Possibly others.
1912 E-300 Plow's Candy #'s: 26 Dooin, 41 Luderus, 42 Magee, and 62 Titus.
1910 E-Unc. All-Star Baseball Boxes (Dockman and Sons) #’s: 1 Bates.
1910 E-unc Orange Borders #'s: 9 Doolan.
1967 James Elder postcards #’s: 800 (Ashburn), 1139, 1151, 1170, 1184, 1187, 1190, 1195, 1196, 1200, 1225, 1271, 1280, 1291, and 1294.
1977 EPSCC Philadelphia Favorites #'s: 11, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, and 25.
1922 Exhibits #'s: Konetchy, Ring, C. Williams.
1923-4 Exhibits #'s: Harper, Holke, J.H. Sand, and Wrightstone.
1925 Exhibits #'s: Harper, Hawks, Henline, Holke, Hubble, Mokan, and C. Williams.
1926 Exhibits #'s: Bentley, Friberg, Harper, Henline, Huber, Mokan, Sand, and Wrightstone.
1927 Exhibits #'s: McInnis and Leach.
1927 Exhibits Postcard Back #'s: Ring.
1929 "Anonymous" Exhibits #'s: 9 Klein, O’Doul.
1929-30 Exhibits Four-In-One #'s: {Benge, Sweetland, Whitney, C. Williams}many color variations--already have black on white and orange.
1931-2 Exhibits Four-In-One #'s: 4 Arlett, Benge, Klein, Whitney and 6 Bartell, Friberg, Hurst, McCurdy.
1933 Exhibits Four-In-One #'s: 3 Bartell, Benge, Hurst, Klein.
1934 Exhibits Four-In-One #'s: 3 Bartell, Hurst, Schulmerich, Wilson.
1937 Exhibits Four-In-One #'s: 2 Moore, Camilli, Whitney, and Walters.
1938 Exhibits Four-In-One #'s: 2 Arnovich, Klein, Walters, Whitney.
1939-46 Exhibits Salutations #'s: 35 Klein, 47 Mulcahy, and 56 Rizzo.
1948 Exhibits Baseball's Great Hall of Fame #'s: 1 Alexander.
1939 Father & Son Shoes Phillies #'s: 1 Arnovich, 4 Davis, 8 Passeau, 10 Klein, 11 Martin, 13 Mulcahy,
15 Scharien.
1982 FBI Discs #'s: Rose and Schmidt.
1955 Felin's Franks #'s: Unknown the number of cards but it is believed that there are 30 cards in the
set. RARE!!.
195? Fine Arts Studio (Dexter Press?) #'s: Ashburn.
1951 Fischer Baking Labels #'s: 11 Jones (Red, Yellow, Blue) and 16 Konstanty (Red, Blue).
1969 Fleer 3-D Team Cap Card #'s: 1 only. Plastic card of Phillie cap.
1983 Fleer Star Stamps Poster #’s: Whole poster.
1938 Foto Fun #'s: 2 Arnovich, 11 Camilli(?), 64 Muellar(?), 65 Mulcahy, D. Young.
1951 General Mills Premium Photos #’s: C Ashburn.
1986 General Mills Booklets #'s: 4 Schmidt.
1987 General Mills Booklets #'s: 5 Schmidt.
1941 Goudey R324 #'s: 27.
1962 Guy's Potato Chip Pins #'s: Phillies team logo.
1887 Gypsy Queens #'s: 18 Clements (hands on knees), 19 Clements (with bat), 27 Dailey, 42 Ferguson
(hands on chest), 43 Ferguson (tagging player), Ferguson (w/ bat), 61 Gunning (stooping to catch
ball on left), 62 Gunning (bending, hands by right knee), 71 Irwin, 87 McCarthy (catching),
88 McCarthy (w/ bat), 92 McGuire, and 129 Wood.
1887 H891 Tobin Lithographs #'s: 4 Charlie Ferguson ("Not Onto It") and Andrews ("Go it old boy").
1916 H801-9 Globe Stores #'s: 4, 10, 13, 18, 29, 40, 45, 46, 53, 69, 95, 106, 114, 125, 128, 132,
136, 142, 170, 189.
1916 H801-8 Boston Stores #'s: 2, 12, 18, 23, 35, 93, 102, 110, 130, 139, 169, and 188.
1958 Hires Root Beer Test Set #'s: 3 Fernandez.
1958 Hires Root Beer #'s: 16.
1958-61 Jay Publishing 5x7 Photos Type 1 (sans serif type face) #'s: Amaro(batting, light background), Anderson(portrait, pose to neck), Ashburn(portrait, pose to neck), Bouchee(portrait, pose to chest), Callison(batting, pose to neck), Callison(batting, two bats), Farrell(portrait, pose to neck w/glove), Fernandez(portrait, pose to neck), Fernandez(portrait, pose to chest), Freese(portrait, pose to neck), Freese(portrait, pose to chest), Gomez(Reuben, portrait pose to neck), Hamner(portrait, pose to neck), Hemus(portrait, pose to chest), Jones(batting, pose to chest), Lopata(batting in cage), Lopata(batting), Lopata(portrait,pose to neck), Mahaffey(portrait, pose to chest w/ glove), Morehead(standing, pose to knees), Repulski(portrait, pose to neck), Repulski(portrait, pose to chest), Roberts(portrait, pose to neck), Sanford(pitching), Sanford(pitching-follow through).
1962-65 Jay Publishing 5x7 Photos Type 2(serif type face) #'s: Averill(batting, pose to chest),
Belinski(portrait, pose to chest), Bennett(portrait, pose to chest), Bunning(portrait,pose to chest), Bunning(pitching, follow-through), Duren (pitching, follow-through), Herbert(pitching, follow-through), Hoak(kneeling, holding bat), Roebuck(pitching, pose to chest, hands over head), Sievers(portrait, pose to chest), Sievers(batting, pose to chest), Stuart(portrait, pose to chest), Stuart(batting, pose to neck), Stuart(batting, pose to waist), Thomas(portrait, pose to chest), Thomas(batting, pose to chest, two ears show), Thomas(batting, pose to waist, one ear shows), Trinados(catching, crouching), Triandos(batting, pose to wasit), Walker(portrait, pose to chest, arms crossed).
1924 MLB Player Die-Cuts (Indoor Game) #’s: Hal Carlson, Hod Ford, Whitney Glazner, George Harper,
Butch Henline, Walter Holke, Bill Hubbell, Clarence Mitchell, Jimmy Ring, Heinie Sand,
Joe Schultz, Cy Williams, Jimmie Wilson, and Russ Wrightstone.
1925 MLB Player Die-Cuts (Indoor Game) #’s: Hal Carlson, Jack Knight, Johnny Couch, Jimmy Ring,
Clarence Mitchell, Butch Henline, Jimmie Wilson, Russ Wrightstone, Chicken Hawks, Lew Fonseca, George Harper, Heinie Sand, and George Burns.
1926 MLB Player Die-Cuts (Indoor Game) #’s: Hal Carlson, George Harper, Butch Henline, Clarence Huber, Jack Knight, Fred Leach, John McKan (Mokan), Clarence Mitchell, Heinie Sand, Claude Willoghby, Jimmie Wilson.
1927 MLB Player Die-Cuts (Indoor Game) #’s: Alex Ferguson, Barney Friberg, Bubber Jonnard,
Tony Kaufmann, Fred Leach, Clarence Mitchell, Hub Pruett, Heinie Sand, Jack Scott,
Fresco Thompson, Cy Williams, Jimmie Wilson, Russell Wrightstone.
1966 Van Huesen Phillies #’s: Belinsky, Bunning, Covington, Groat, White, (may be others).
1922 W-501 #'s: 99 and 100.
1922 W-503 #'s: 30, 47.
1923 W-515 (Fleer back) #’s: 23 Meadows.
1931 W-517 #'s: 10.
1920 W-520 #'s: 1.
1921 W-521 #'s: 3.
1918 W-522 #'s: 36 and 40.
1930 W-554 #'s: O'Doul.
1907 W-555 #'s: 3 Bates, 8 Bransfield, 26 Doolan, 44 McGee(Magee), 49 Moore.
1923 W-572 #'s: 74 Parkinson, 81 Rapp, 111 Curt Walker.
1922 W-573 #'s: 42 Fletcher and 142 Wrightstone.
1932 W-575-1 #'s: Stengel and Walker.
1903,04,05,07,08,09 W-601 Sporting Life Team Composites #'s: Philadelphia, National League.
1902-1911 W-600 Sporting Life Cabinets #'s: Barry, Bransfield, Brown, Corridon, Courtney, Dooin, Doolan, Douglas, Doyle, Duffy, Duggleby, Fraser, Gleason, Grant, Hallman, Hulswit, Jacklitsch, Jennings,
Kahoe, Keister, Knabe, Krueger, Magee, Mcquillan, McFetridge, Mitchell, Moren, Pittinger, Roth,
Sparks, Thomas, Wolverton, and Zimmer.
1955 W-605 Robert F. Gould #'s: 6 Simmons, 12 Burgess, 18 Hamner, and 22 Ashburn.
1955 W-605 Robert F. Gould Statues #'s: 6 Simmons, 12 Burgess, 18 Hamner.
1910 W-Unc “The Rivals" notebook cover cut (or whole notebook) of Magee.
1977 Wendy's Discs (MSA) #'s: 54 Schmidt
1980(?) Wendy’s Bumper Sticker #’s: Steve Carlton (others?-Don’t need Schmidt or Rose)
1888 WG-1 Baseball Playing Cards #'s: 1 Andrews, 4 Bastian, 11 Casey, 13 Clements, 22 Farrar,
24 Fogarty, 34 Irwin, and 45 Mulvey.
1889 WG-Unc. Williams Card Game #'s: 3 Buffington, 6 Fogarty, and 14 Irwin.
1904 WG-unc. Allegheny Card Co. #’s: Barry, Dooin, Doyle, Duggleby, Fraser, Gleason, Hulswitt, Keister,
Mitchell, Roth, Sparks, Suthoff, Thomas, Wolverton, and Philadelphia Ball Counter card.(one of
a kind, may be incomplete).
1902 WG-unc. Bicycle Playing cards #'s: Phillies cards, includes 4 on 1 cards and schedules.
1904 WG-3 Fan Craze #'s: 16 Duffy and 33 Nichols.
1913 WG-6 Tom Barker Game #'s: Alexander.
1913 WG-5 National Game #'s: Alexander.
1983 Witchita Eagle Beacon "Bubblegum-less cards" #'s: Schmidt, Rose w/ hat, Rose without hat,
Denny, Carlton, Koosman, Samuel.(panels or single cards okay).
1933 Worch Cigar/Minneapolis Star #’s: Bartell, Klein, Todd.
X: Finished 9-01-95
1928 Yuengling's Ice Cream #'s: 44.
Z: Finished 7-30-02
Well that's it.... scary huh?-jml