Anthony Arbeeny's Wantlist

Anthony Arbeeny's Wantlist

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T-205 any condition

Abbaticchio, Ed
Adkins, Doc
Archer, Jimmy
Austin, Jimmy
Bailey, Bill
Baker, Home Run
Barger, Cy (partial B)
Barry, Jack
Batch, Emil
Bender, Chief
Bescher, Bob
Birmingham, Joe
Bresnahan, Roger (mouth closed)
Bresnahan, Roger (mouth open)
Brown, Mordecai
Cady, Hick
Camnitz, Howard
Carrigan, Bill
Chance, Frank
Chase, Hal (both ears show - frame ends)
Chase, Hal (left ear shows)
Cicotte, Eddie
Collins, Eddie (mouth closed)
Collins, Eddie (mouth open)
Crandall, Doc (t not crossed)
Criger, Lou. in trade
Dahlen, Bill
Daubert, Jake
Delahanty, Jim
Donohue, Jiggs
Dougherty, Patsy (red sock)
Dougherty, Patsy (white sock)
Doyle, Larry
Duffy, Hugh
Dunn, Jack
Dygert, Jimmy
Egan, Dick
Elberfeld, Kid
Engle, Hack
Evers, Johnny
Ewing, Bob
Ferguson, Cecil
Flynn, John
Ford, Russ (white cap)
Frick, James
Fromme, Art
Gardner, Earl
Goode, Wilbu
Grant, Ed
Gray, Dolly (no stats on back)
Gray, Dolly (stats on back)
Griffith, Clark
Groom, Bob
Hanford, Charles
Harmon, Robert (both ears show)
Harmon, Robert (left ear shows)
Hemphill, Charlie
Hoblitzell, Dick (Cin. After 2nd 1908 stats)
Hoblitzell, Dick (no stats on back)
Huggins, Miller
Jacklitsch, Fred
Jennings, Hugh
Johnson, Walter
Jones, Davy
Jones, Tom
Joss, Addie
Karger, Ed
Killian, Ed
Kleinow, Red
Lange, Frank
Lee, Wyatt
Leever, Sam
Leifield, Lefty (A. Leifield on front)
Leifield, Lefty (A.P. Leifield on front)
Lennox, Ed
Lush, John
Maddox, Nick
Marquard, Rube
Mathewson, Christy
Mathewson, Christy (Cycle Back, incorrect stats)
McAllister, Sport
McConnell, Ambrose
McIntyre, Harry
McIntyre, Matty
Merritt, George
Meyers, Chief
Mitchell, Mike
Moran, Pat (stray line of type)
Moriarity, George
Mullin, George
Nee, John
OLeary, Charley
Parent, Freddy
Payne, Fred
Pelty, Barney
Pfeister, John
Quinn, Jack
Raymond, Bugs
Reulbach, Ed
Richie, Lewis
Scanlan, Doc
Schmidt, Boss
Schulte, Wildfire
Scott, Jim
Shean, David
Shean, David
Simmons, Hack
Snodgrass, Fred
Speaker, Tris
Stahl, Jake
Stanage, Oscar
Steinfeldt, Harry
Suggs, George
Summers, Ed
Sweeney, Jeff
Tannehill, Lee
Tinker, Joe
Turner, Terry
Wallace, Bobby (no cap - 2 lines of 1910 stats)
Wallace, Bobby (no cap - 1 line of 1910 stats)
Wallace, Bobby (with cap)
Walsh, Ed
Wheat, Zack
White, Doc
White, Kirb
Wilhelm, Kaiser (suffered in 18th line of bio)
Wiltse, Hooks (only right ear shows)
Wolter, Harry
Young, Cy

. $200
.. $250
... $300
.... $350
# $400
#. $500
+ $600

1909-11 t206 any condition

Bill Abstein
Red Ames (Portrait)
Cy Barger
...Jack Bastian
(Bari) Fred Beck (missing magenta ink)
(Vari)Beals Becker (missing magenta ink)
... Jake Beckley
...Ted Breitenstein
...Roger Bresnahan (Portrait)
Al Bridwell (Portrait With Cap)
. George Brown (Browne) (Chicago)
#.. George Brown (Browne) (Washington)
+Mordecai Brown (Cubs On Shirt)
#.Mordecai Brown (Portrait)
Al Burch (Fielding)
... Scoops Carey
#Frank Chance (Batting)
..Hal Chase (Holding Trophy)
Hal Chase (Portrait Blue Background)
#Hal Chase (Portrait Pink Background)
Hal Chase (Throwing Dark Cap)
. Hal Chase (Throwing White Cap)
# Jack Chesbro
#Fred Clarke (Pittsburgh Portrait)
Ty Cobb (Portrait Green Background) $5,000
Ty Cobb (Portrait Red Background)
Ty Cobb (Portrait Red Background Ty Cobb Back)
Ty Cobb (Bat Off Shoulder)
Ty Cobb (Bat On Shoulder)
...Cad Coles
....Eddie Collins (Philadelphia)
...Bill Cranston
#Sam Crawford (Throwing)
Bill Dahlen (Boston)
+ Bill Dahlen (Brooklyn)
...George Davis (Chicago)
Ray Demmitt (New York)
Ray Demmitt (St. Louis) $10k
Rube Dessau
. Mike Donlin (Fielding)
Tom Downey (Batting)
Jerry Downs
+Joe Doyle (NY Nat'l Hands Above Head)
+Joe Doyle (NY Hands Above Head)
Dick Egan
Kid Elberfeld (New York) (Portrait)
Kid Elberfeld (Washington) (Portrait) $3,000
...Roy Ellam
Steve Evans
+Johnny Evers (Portrait)
#Johnny Evers (With Bat Chicago On Shirt)
(Vari)Cecil Ferguson (missing magenta ink)
...Elmer Flick
Russ Ford
Jerry Freeman
... Charlie Fritz
...Chick Gandil
George Gibson
... Ed Greminger
... Clark Griffith (Batting)
Bob Groom
...Tom Guiheen
Bob hall
Jimmy Hart (Montgomery)
...J. Ross Helm
Buck Herzog (Boston)
... Gordon Hickman
Izzy Hoffman (Providence)
...Bock Hooker
...Ernie Howard (Savannah)
... Miller Huggins (Portrait)
...Hughie Jennings (One Hand Showing)
...Hughie Jennings (Both hands showing)
Walter Johnson (Pitching) $1,200
...Dutch Jordan (Atlanta)
... Addie Joss (Pitching)
Ed Karger
+ Willie Keeler (Portrait)
+Willie Keeler (Batting)
#.J.F. Kiernan
... Frank King
... James Lafitte
Nap Lajoie (Portrait) $800
Nap Lajoie (Throwing) $700
Nap Lajoie (With Bat) $700
Arlie Latham
#Harry Lentz (Sentz)
(Vari)Vive Lindaman (missing magenta ink)
...Perry Lipe
Hans Lobert
Carl Lundgren (Chicago) $800
Sherry Magie (Magee) $25k
..Sherry Magee (portrait)
...George Manion
Rube Manning (Pitching)
... Rube Marquard (Hands At Thighs)
.... Rube Marquard (Portrait)
Christy Mathewson (Portrait) $1,500
...Pat McCauley
Iron Man McGinnity
#John McGraw (Portrait With Cap)
Fred Merkle (Throwing)
Chief Meyers
... Molly Miller (Dallas)
... Carlton Molesworth
... Dom Mullaney
(Vari) Red Murray (Portrait) (Murr'y)
Chief Myers (Meyers) (Fielding)
Simon Nichols (Nicholls) (Batting)
.Bill O'Hara (St. Louis) $10k
... Al Orth
... William Otey
Orval Overall (Hand Face Level)
Orval Overall (Hands At Waist Level)
... George Paige
Barney Pelty (Horizontal Photo)
..Hub Perdue
..Arch Persons
Jake Pfeister (Pfiester) (Throwing)
Eddie Plank $60k
...Ed Reagan
Ed Reulbach (Glove Showing)
...Dutch Revelle
...Ike Rockenfeld
... Ray Ryan
Wildfire Schulte (Front View)
Bud Shappe (Sharpe)
... Shag Shaughnessy
Jimmy Sheckard (Glove Showing)
+ Frank Smith (Chicago & Boston)
... Sid Smith (Atlanta)
(Vari) Fred Snodgrass (Batting) (Nodgrass)
Tris Speaker $1k
... Dolly Stark
Harry Steinfeldt (With Bat)
George Stovall (Portrait)
Ed Summers
(Vari) Bill Sweeney (Boston) (missing magenta ink)
Dummy Taylor
... Tony Thebo
Jake Thielman
...Woodie Thornton
#Joe Tinker (Bat Off Shoulder)
#Joe Tinker (Bat On Shoulder)
+Joe Tinker (Hands On Knees)
+Joe Tinker (Portrait)
John Titus
... Juan Violat (Viola)
# Rube Waddell (Portrait)
#Rube Waddell (Throwing)
(Vari)Heinie Wagner (Bat On Left Shoulder) (missing magenta ink)
Heinie Wagner (Bat On Right Shoulder)
Honus Wagner $35k
...Bobby Wallace
... James Westlake
....Zack Wheat
...Foley White (Houston)
Kaiser Wilhelm (Hands At Chest)
Kaiser Wilhelm (With Bat)
Ed Willetts (Willett)
....Vic Willis (Pittsburg)
... Vic Willis (With Bat)
Hooks Wiltse (Pitching)
Hooks Wiltse (Portrait With Cap)
Cy Young (Cleveland) (Glove Shows) $1,200
Cy Young (Cleveland) (Bare Hand Shows) $1,200
Cy Young (Cleveland) (Portrait) $1,800
Irv Young (Minneapolis)

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