1 Joe Di Maggio 3 Babe Ruth 4 Stan Musial 5 Virgil Trucks 8 Satchel Paige 10 Dizzy Trout 11 Phil Rizzuto 13 Cass Michaels 14 Billy Johnson 17 Frank Overmire 19 Johnny Wyrostek 20 Hank Sauer 22 Al Evans 26 Sam Chapman 27 Mickey Harris 28 Jim Hegan 29 Elmer Valo 30 Billy Goodman 31 Lou Brissie 32 Warren Spahn 33 Peanuts Lowrey 36 Al Zarilla 38 Ted Kluszewski 39 Ewell Blackwell 42 Kent Peterson 43 Ed Stevens 45 Ken Keltner 46 Johnny Mize 47 George Vico 48 Johnny Schmitz 49 Del Ennis 50 Dick Wakefield 51 Al Dark | 53 Johnny Vander Meer 54 Bobby Adams 55 Tommy Henrich 56 Larry Jansen 57 Bob McCall 59 Luke Appling 61 Jake Early 62 Eddie Joost 63 Barney McCosky 65 Robert Elliott 66 Orval Groove 68 Eddie Miller 70 Honus Wagner 72 Hank Edwards 73 Pat Seerey 75 Dom Di Maggio 76 Ted Williams 77 Roy Smalley 78 Hoot Evers 79 Jackie Robinson 81 Whitney Kurowski 82 Johnny Lindell 83 Bobby Doerr 84 Sid Hudson 85 Dave Philley 86 Ralph Weigel 88 Frank Gustine 91 Ralph Kiner 93 Bob Feller 95 George Stirnweiss 97 Marty Marion 98 Hal Newhouser 102 Gene Hermanski | 104 Eddie Stewart 106 Lou Boudreau 108 Matt Batts 111 Jerry Priddy 113 Dutch Leonard 117 Joe Gordon 120 George Kell 121 Johnny Pesky 123 Cliff Fannin 125 Andy Pafko 127 Enos Slaughter 128 Buddy Rosar 129 Kirby Higbe 131 Sid Gordon 133 Tommy Holmes 136 Cliff Aberson 137 Harry Walker 138 Larry Doby 139 Johnny Hopp 142 Danny Murtaugh 143 Dick Sisler 144 Bob Dillinger 146 Pete Reiser 149 Hank Majeski 153 Floyd Baker 158 Harry Brecheen 159 Mizell Platt 160 Bob Scheffing 161 Vern Stephens 163 Fred Hutchinson 165 Dale Mitchell 168 Phil Cavarretta |
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